Perfect World VR (211) : Capture the Flag

Meanwhile, in a different location at the center of enemy territory, Elena Blake, the strongest cadet with the greatest potential as well as the leader of Red Wing Thunder, the best squad in Guardian Academy, continued to clash with the two swordsman class cadets, one of which was a blonde haired male with blue eyes, a well-shaped jawline, nicely done nose and cool looking cheekbones, as well as pink colored lips that had a certain level of allure to it and the other, was a black haired male with brown eyes, a well-shaped jawline, nicely done nose, good looking cheekbones which looked a lot like a squirrel puffing out its cheeks as well as a little stub under his chin that signified that he was going through the latter stages of puberty.

She fought against these two male swordsman class cadets with everything she had.

