My territory!

With everything he had done so far, it would be natural for Nathan to be arrogant, to show off and act like the MN in charge, yet that wasn't the case.

They never noticed it but even though Elena had basically handed him the title of Vice Herald, he hadn't taken advantage of that position and instead was acting in a manner that was beneficial to everyone present.

His plans were superb and his actions out of the norm.

With him and Elena leading them, Red Wing Thunder as a whole believed that they could achieve greatness.

Nathan sighed. "Well, now that one end is completed, it's time we focus on the other end."

"We should head out now, Nate. We can't let the fight come here." Reyes spoke up.

"I know, I know. Come on. It's time to take care of the pests."

With that, they geared up to make their move.


Right end of Red Wing Thunder base, Railway tunnel…