Hello everyone

"Hello, members of Red Wing Thunder Squadron. I am Michel Voight, leader of the Squad supreme Alliance. I have come, not to ask for peace but to seek a resolution to our conflict. If you desire this as well, then please come outside else we might be forced to flatten you inside your tunnel. I'm sure you wouldn't want such a thing to happen."

Even though he spoke calmly, everyone present could tell that he was just putting on an act.

This was a veiled threat and if they didn't do as they were told by the bastard outside, they would end up crushed by the falling rocks from the tunnel.

"This bastard…" Victor gritted his teeth as he felt the urge to go outside and punch someone. Thankfully Indra was there to stop him.

"Don't be too hasty, Vic. I have a feeling that if we step out now, we might end up bombarded with attacks that King wouldn't be able to block with his current skill level. We can't afford to be hit like that."