Plausible idea

Of course, knowing fully well that they would be in danger if they knew too much, Nathan quickly stepped into shift their attention.

"So she chose me to tutor instead of Michel Voight because of a difference in the things we were good at and actually had interest in?"

Realizing her blunder, Leah quickly played along as she nodded again. "Yeah, that's about right. She chose you to tutor instead of Michel. It was merely a case of preference from her perspective when picking between you two else Michel would be a fellow disciple under her wing."

Nathan nodded as he muttered. "I see. He must be really good at what he does to be praised so highly by Helen. His capabilities aren't to be looked down on."

"of course she also said that several other instructors had approached him to be his mentor but he rejected all of them." Leah added with a somewhat calm expression.