Once again

"You guys are completely misunderstanding everything I'm saying with my words right now if I'm being very honest with you all about this.

"Obviously I'm not planning on facing off against Michel Voight and his army alone in the first place. I'm not stupid enough to do something so foolhardy as to go up against an entire Squadron talk more of over there to four Squadrons alone even with the game skill in my possession.

"Our target, my target and the man we are targeting, I'm only going for one person, Michel Voight himself in the midst of his great army."

"He is just one man with no special talent except his brain and what's more, he is a Repairman that believes his intelligence is the greatest gift to mankind. I have an idea on how we can use that to our advantage and con him into a good corner to finish him off and end this dastardly saga once and for all."