
The earth trembled and shook at the power behind the explosion. It was somewhat terrifying.

A mushroom shaped dust cloud rose up and blanketed the sky for a brief moment before it began to disperse.

Meanwhile back in the tunnel, Indra, King, Reyes, Sera, Tanya, Victor, Leah and the others had just returned to the pedestal on which their flag was meant to be when the tunnel shook vigorously.

It thundered and rocked about, almost as though the tunnel were about to collapse.

At the same time a loud explosion reached their ears causing them to cover it while grimacing due to the high pitch.

Dust fell from the ceiling and the ground quaked. It didn't seem like the explosion would end any time soon.

To prepare for the worst, they staggered and struggled, until they had all hurdled around King, prepared to receive the might of a collapsing ceiling, that was if it actually got to that.