In Actual fact

A complete mockery to those that actually tried to make a difference with their inborn talent.

It got worse when he realized that Nathan had somehow gotten into the same Squadron as him.

How could he, the next big thing after Elena Blake, the strongest cadet with the greatest potential, be ground in the same squad as Nathan.

But he had no right to refuse. After all, if not for the one known as Nathaniel Holt, he wouldn't have been able to pass the squad qualifications.

Thus, he could only take a step back and allow him stay… but that didn't mean that he would leave him to his own devices.

He surely had to make Nathan realize his place amongst the newly recruited cadets that aspired to become Guardians

But despite everything he did, Jeremy could only watch as Nathan time and time again, did the impossible, proving himself to be a capable young lad despite his glaring and apparent weakness.