
Before their very eyes, unable to turn away from the horror that was about to take place,, they watched as Michel Voight suddenly gave the order to attack just as Nathan gave his army the chance to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, they attacked the one known as Nathan without thinking and a second later, half of the screen was bathed in a variety of flashing lights as several skills and weapons were unleashed on Nathan.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the screen stood a lone man with black hair, dinning his Guardian suit while standing fearlessly in the face of an insurmountable force.

Elena trembled, Jeremy shook and Gary gulped, their reactions varying at the attack unleashed.

All their reactions were understandable when one considered what they were watching currently on screen , after all, the light show wasn't a joke.

In actual fact, Nathan was about to be bombarded by so much firepower, there was no way a piece of him would remain.