I propose a challenge

"I propose a challenge. You get to decide what you want us to build and we will compete with each other on it and see who comes out in top. I believe that's the best way to solve the issue about who I truly am." Nathan explained calmly.

Michel Voight snorted. "Hmmph, why would I get into a fight with you in a field you are confident in?"

Nathan chuckled. "but you just said that I am a cheat. So how can I be the king of gadgets?"


Immediately Michel Voight shut his mouth as his smarts placed him in a tight spot. Fro behind, a few members of his army were already frowning while staring at him.

A cheat like Nathaniel Holt would be weak for someone like Michel Voight who proclaimed himself to be a genius.

That should be the way it goes so why was Michel Voight backing out of the proposal?... In fact, it seemed like he was scared.