
I knew I was going to die the moment I hit the water.

Everything happened in slow motion. I watched as the car sped past the railings like a ribbon on a finish line. The sound of metal hitting metal exploded in my ears.

Then, deafening silence and the sinking feeling in my stomach as the car went into free fall.

They say that when faced with imminent death, a person would see their life flash before their eyes.

I, on the other hand, thought of my parents. Dad's old and stressed with work. Mom's health is weak. I hope the news of my death won't be too hard on them.

I thought of my younger sister. Our eldest sister died five years ago. Now she's losing another big sister. I hope she'll be strong enough on her own.

I thought of my fiancé. We were supposed to get married in a week. Now, I guess the wedding will be called off, too. All that effort, wasted.

And as the jagged breakwater rocks came closer, I whispered, "Goodbye."

I closed my eyes, a tear rolling down my cheek.

And everything went blank.