Darkest Secret [4]

[22 April 2023, 10.45 AM]

[Hart Child Care's Main Building - Hallway]

As Chloe and I were led to the director's room, where the Darkest Secret was by Tina, I looked around the condition of the orphanage and it was not as bad as I thought. The director's room was located on the fifth floor, the topmost one, so we needed to walk a bit to get there.

Maybe because the Darkest Secret had a lot of money, he invested some of it in the orphanage to make his life earlier, or he didn't want to raise some suspicion and decided to make the orphanage a proper one. Either of those was maybe his reason.

I found another thing about her when Tina led us. She was incredibly energetic and had a loud mouth.

"Huh~ So my brother worked as an instructor yesterday? I can't imagine that."