
After she threw up, Sumire stole a glance at her surroundings. Thankfully there were no students around due to the downpour. Sumire sighed deeply as she raised her arm. Is the smell sticking to her clothes?

Her clothes-the guy from yesterday appeared in her head. She needs to report to Aki about him. Even if he is a normal person, the fact that he escaped from the scene without being questioned by the police was a concern.

But for some reason, she could not bring herself to do so. It's strange; she hasn't felt this way towards another person in a very long time. The feeling of wanting to meet them again and learn more about them.

"Su-chan." Someone whispered in her ear as they wrapped their arms around her.

Her cold hand felt warmth again. She knew who it was straight away. With their bright and cheerful, energetic personality. That person who always had a way of melting away the rain.

Sumire turned around and saw her good friend Alto Mikaze; he is nanairofeather's center alongside Daiki.

"Sing," Mikaze whispered in her ear.

Her eyes widened at his words. They truly are foolish people, but she made it this far without breaking down because of them.

She took a deep breath and started. There was no music. But she could hear the melody in her heart. Whenever she sings, all the disgusting and twisted emotions in her heart vanish. Even if it is only for a few minutes, she can have peace from the voices that constantly haunt her mind.

"If it's for someone's sake, then that's not too bad,

But today, I can't see...the things typical of reason

The vague reality, the light connecting the dots

I'll try to gently grab my dream that is about to vanish.

If our voices reach your scar, that can't be healed.

I'll drift away with the speeding clouds

So that I won't be left behind,

I shout out today's étude I want to make it true; beyond the quiet despair, There's the page toward a new beginning. I take up your hand,

and because you wish so.

Let's go everywhere

In my stubborn eyes filled with tears

The world turns watery and distorted

As for the words I awkwardly compose with all my might

How much of them are exchanged properly with you?

Therefore, I pray

Please, may the melody of a smile be upon your mornings?" Sumire sang.

Sumire was about to turn around but noticed Mikazes grip on her tight and sighed. " It's alright; it's not your fault." She said in understanding.

It seemed like that woman was somebody Mikaze-kun knew. No wonder she looked familiar.

It would explain everything. That is probably why she could behave so haughtily.

However, from its looks, Mikaze didn't know anything about it at all. No, that's exactly what it was; she wouldn't blame him for this incident. How could she possibly blame him for this?

"Mikaze-kun. I'm alright, thank you for coming to me." Sumire trailed off and bravely took hold of one of his hands, placing hers on top of his.


"You know, Mikaze-kun, I am grateful that I met you and everyone else. Didn't I say it? That ' I believe I'll never be able to meet people as wonderful as all of you again; when you extended your hand out to me that day, it was raining like today. To me, it wasn't the first time that had happened. I would like to tell you mine and that person's story one day. But unfortunately, that day is not today."

That's right, unlike the others who know about Yuhi and her. Mikaze-kun does not know anything. He does not know why she behaves so cautiously when it comes to love. It is not like she wants to hide it from him.

He is one of her good friends, so he has the right to know; however, whenever she mentions Yuhi, her heart hurts.

'I probably won't be able to say the full story without crying.' Whenever she thought of that person, it would bring tears to her eyes. To care for somebody like this, these feelings must be love.

"That's alright, that's enough."

"Thank you."

She turned her head around and realized how close they were to each other. Sumire felt her cheeks redden, and Mikaze turned a bright shade of red too.

"Um, it's the welcoming assembly soon." Mikaze quickly drew back.

"Oh, that's right." Sumire paused, realizing that she was completely drenched.

Does she have a change of clothes in her bag? It would be awkward going anywhere when she is like this.

"You have an umbrella. Why didn't you use it?" Mikaze asked.

"I left it behind in the classroom."

"You skipped class."

Sumire sighed. "I don't want to hear it from the person who came just now."

Mikaze awkwardly looked away before suddenly examining. "Right! This is the reason I was late." He took out a flyer from his pocket.

It was crumpled due to the rain, but Sumire could make out the words. "A music festival?"

"Yeah! For a while, we performed in trio groups. We haven't had a group performance as six people in awhile. Don't you think this is a good event to participate in?"

"You can reveal the new song here too."

"I'm looking forward to singing your song."

Sumire beamed happily. "Let's gather everyone else." Her happy thoughts broke off when she realized that somebody was watching her.

She knew Ru would chase after her, but she also knew he would not pursue her right now. Mamoru is the closest person to her. But, she has noticed he has this bad habit of staying away when she is with the guys in Nanairo feather.

Sometimes he subconsciously puts a wall between them. If she were to ask him the reason why, would he be truthful? Or would it break the balance they have created between them?

Sumire shuts her eyes. 'Right now, I do not have the confidence to ask.' She does not want to destroy whatever they have now to answer this lingering question in her heart.