
After ensuring that she properly patched up Masaru's wounds, she sent a quick message on her phone before exiting the room.

'That frightened me when I saw a large amount of blood and the needles.' Sumire shook her head. No, this is Masaru. How many dangerous situations has he been in before? That guy won't die even if he has to fight thousands of people. But for him to get this wounded.

Who could have possibly attacked him? Other than her, Ru and Aki. There should be nobody on the same strength level as Masaru. No, judging from those wounds. The person Masary fought against is stronger than him.

There should be nobody like that in town; that must mean it is somebody new.

She entered the living room, and Mamoru was just finishing up a phone call. "I told Aki, did you contact Atsuro?"

"Yes, he is in the next town right now. So he will be over tomorrow morning."

"Ki, what were you and Masaru discussing?"

Sumire explained the situation, and Ru frowned. "I see." He picked up the file which she left with Toh's profile. "Isn't the enemy basically giving us no other option but to use this guy?"


"Think about it. Masaru suggested that we ask this person for help. But only as an assistant."

"So they did this so Toh would--"

'Wait, why am I using his first name?' Sumire immediately felt self-conscious. This is so silly.

"Do you want to see that guy Ki?"

A troubled look appeared on her face. "You know whether I want to or not now doesn't matter. It seems like I have no choice but to meet him again."

Toh seems to be an important figure. She needs to get closer to him and see what kind of influence he truly has. Is he an enemy or an ally? The only way for her to know is to meet him again.

"I will contact him," Sumire mumbled. "Just leave it to me."

'I do not want to see Masaru or anybody else get affected just because I am being stubborn about meeting that person again.'

Moreover, that guy is kind. He is not a bad man. But that is exactly why she initially she did not want to see him. Kind people are dangerous; kind people are the ones she ends up getting attached to.

Her thoughts broke off when Mamoru ruffled her hair. "Well, for now, just focus on the university case. If we run into that guy, then fair, but you do not have to pressure yourself."

"But Masaru got hurt."

"Masaru will not want you to do anything that would harm yourself."

That's true, and yet she feels angry. How come she couldn't prevent this? With how active she has been in the underworld recently, how come she didn't notice the presence of such a person?

Why is it that even though she has power, she cannot protect those who have become dear to her?

After that talk, he made dinner for her, and they ate together. Then they played some games on the console and talked for a bit before heading to bed. He still seemed nervous about sharing the same bed as her, but it did not take long before Ru fell asleep.

Her heart felt a bit restless, so she was unable to fall asleep. Sumire turned to face him, and her gaze fell on half his arm. The bandages were still visible.

He must be in pain; otherwise, he would wait until she is safely asleep. Ru probably has no idea that she notices these small things he does for her. He takes such great care of her. It would not be strange if he liked her.

But he always leaves her to spend time with the other guys and pushes her towards Yuhi. He encourages her not to forget her feelings for him.

It is weird. Mamoru is very weird.

Sumire extended her hand, only for Mamoru to grab it. For a moment, her eyes widened, and she felt her heartbeat speed up. Why is he looking at her like that? Before she could question Mamoru, however, the serious expression on his face vanished like it was never there, to begin with.

"What's wrong, Ki?"

"Ah, your wound. I wanted to check." Sumire quickly stood up. "I can't sleep. I left my guitar here last time, right? Let me compose for a bit."

This is weird; she feels strange around him.

Sumire quickly located her guitar in the corner of the room, and she pulled up the chair from Ru's desk.

'I have already finished the guy's solo and new group songs. I should have nothing else left to compose. But, the lyrics flow to her mind. The songs I write now are for myself. The songs about her feelings for Yuhi.'

Unlike Yuhi, however, the fans have not noticed that the sample songs the company has been putting on the radio have anything to do with a particular person. They all see it as an average love song.

But Yuhi songs are different. Isn't he exposing his feelings for her too much? Yuhi's feelings would bring tears to her eyes whenever she thought back to the day he confessed it.

'I regret it.' She truly regrets it; no matter what, she should have accepted it.

If she had accepted, she would have gone with him to Tokyo. She wouldn't have met Sano and Yuhi. Would she have stood by Yuhi's side hand and hand and composed music together?

No, no, even if she went with him. Writing songs with him wouldn't be easy since he is a professional. Moreover, where would she have stayed? It's not like they would have lived together, so the chances they meet with his busy schedule would have been small too.

Sumire sighed deeply. 'I would have caused him problems.' If she did that, then she would never forgive herself. As one of Yuhi-san's biggest fans, she doesn't want to destroy his career.

"Are you writing a song for Yuhi?" Mamoru pulled up a chair and placed it opposite her.

"Mm, I suppose I am." Sumire trailed off. "I recently listened to Yuhi's new single and even his new album. All of them, all his songs are for me."

"Yuhi doesn't want you to forget."