Give her a chance

"Today, you seem to be agitated. But do not take it out on that poor girl who you just met. I came over today to advise you to keep your flings under control for a while."

"Oh? Is an important big shot coming to town?"

"It's not confirmed yet. But there are rumors of an international supermodel and her grandmother, who is the head of the fashion industry abroad, will be setting up one of their branch companies here."

An international supermodel with such backing, it would be easy for him to narrow it down. However, he has no interest. With a woman like that, it's easy to see what type of person she is. He has no need for human puppets anymore.

"Be on your best behavior, even if you have no intention on seducing the model."

His lips curved to a smile. "Grandmother knows me well."

"What kind of woman is the one on the phone?"

"It's rare for you to take an interest in my women."

"Your tone seemed different." Mizusa smiled. "Entertain this old lady for a bit."

"This old lady happens to be the world's greatest fashion designer. I'm not sure my story would interest you." Toh quickly explained the details.

To his surprise, Mizusa suddenly stood up. "Did you say Ibuki Sumire?"

"Yes." Toh trailed off, seeing her expression. "Do you know her?"

Mizusa sighed. "You always choose the tricky ones. She is famous in the underworld. Do you know the group holy knights?"

"I do."

"She is a member of that group and is the leader."

"But isn't the leader-"

"That girl defeated Aki. She is the official leader even if Aki handles the leader duties. She is the current top in the underworld and Aki's human weapon."

Toh recalled the words those men who were chasing her said. Now that he thought about it, that must be why those people, despite chasing her, looked frightened.

The top of the underworld, and that man's human weapon. Is she that strong? All he can think of is the night they did it and the smile he saw from her earlier.

He has heard of the demon princess before and Aki's human weapon. But he did not think they were the same person. To think the girl he randomly met that night is somebody this important.

"Is that all?"

"She is a trainee at Star records on the verge of debuting. Your in luck; it seems she is searching for a designer to partner with."

"Do you think I am that interested in her?"

"You are. I can see it in your eyes. But you chose somebody troublesome."

"She is an intriguing woman. An idol to be and also the Queen of the underworld."

It seems like he won't be bored for a while.

"After the show ends, have you thought about your request last time?"

"About becoming independent?"

"I do not mind providing you with the financial support for you to start your own brand. Though I doubt you will need my assistance there, you have plenty of money. I am sure that man pays you well."

Indeed, just doing a one-hour job for the big boss is enough salary for at least six months. It's not about the money or even the connections. He has been grandmother and grandson for twenty years now. He has had plenty of time to build his own connections.

Toh knew if he started his own brand, there would be many willing to become part of his design team. It's about time he breaks away from his grandmother's brand.

"You told me that you were lacking inspiration and needed a muse. Why not give Ibuki a shot since you already know who she is?"

It's strange for his grandmother to focus on one person. Indeed that girl is interesting. But grandmother normally does not take an interest in people. There must be something else about her.

"I'll grab my stuff and go home with you," Toh mumbled.

He cannot concentrate in this mood. Toh exited the room only to receive a message.

From: Sumire

I'm sorry to ask you, but could you drop off some cold medications at this address?

From: Toh

Is this your place?

From: Sumire

Mmm, my friend left, and he won't be back till later.

You can just leave it in the mailbox.

Like he can do that. He did say he would wait for a while before meeting her. But if an opportunity like this shows up, why wouldn't he take advantage of it? Besides those wounds. He is curious. To what extent is that girl involved in the underworld?

Unfortunately, he could not leave as he pleased. One of the newbie recruits butchered one of the dresses to the point that he almost fired them right on the spot. Toh sighed deeply. He left it to his assistant to get him some capable new designers, but where did he find such a useless person?

Toh's gaze fell on the bag of medicines in his hands. This is the first time he bought stuff for a cold. Grandmother usually has everything at home. Hopefully, this is enough.

'I was so flustered when I was buying stuff that the sales clerk noticed and advised me.'

That girl is making him do such strange stuff. Is this the right neighborhood? It's not bad; the houses in this area look decent. Rather, this is one of the wealthiest parts of town. The people who live here have a lot of money. Is that girl part of the elite circle too?

Her surname, it feels like he has heard it somewhere else before?

From: Toh

Sorry, I am late. I am outside your house.

Toh waited for a few minutes, but there was no reply. Maybe she is sleeping already? It is eleven; he promised her over four hours ago that he would come over.

'I wanted to take advantage of this moment to see her, but if she is already sleeping, there is nothing I can do.' Toh walked over to her door and slipped the bag in the mailbox before turning away.

He wondered if the cab had left already. He sent it away, thinking he would be here for longer just as he was about to leave. However, he heard the sound of the doorknob opening.

Toh felt his heartbeat increase, and he took a deep breath before turning around. There stood a girl with mid-length brunette-colored hair wearing a nightgown and a blanket draped across her shoulders.

For a moment, he just stared at her, stunned. Why is she so pretty? This woman who is four years younger.

"Ah-I thought-" Sumire seemed flustered. She probably didn't think he would look back.

She quickly took the bag and proceeded to go back inside. But, he was in front of her in seconds. He grabbed hold of her wrist.

"Are you not going to invite me inside?"

"T-Toh-" Sumire trailed off and coughed.

Toh frowned and extended his hand out as he brushed his hands across her forehead. He immediately felt a burning sensation transfer to his palm. She is burning up; why did she even think of getting up?

This is unbelievable; he has never met such a careless woman before.