Special Mission

Toh pulled her into his arms, and the girl sobbed. "Have you met him recently?"

"I was being stubborn for a while and didn't contact him. But yes, we met recently. Even though I told him I loved him, he told me he understood my decision. Because he said that, I couldn't selfishly tell him that I changed my mind."

Judging from her tone, it must have been fairly recently. Well, it's not like he wants to rush this. He still doesn't understand what he wants from her anyway.

For now, it wouldn't be bad to keep her company. Toh recalled what his grandmother said about her searching for a designer. It's still far too soon to bring up a topic like that. Moreover, she feels very warm.

Toh lightly pulled her away, placing his hand on her forehead again. He frowned. Why is she getting worse?

He reached over for the bag of medicines on the bedside table and pulled out a thermometer before sticking it inside her mouth. He only waited a few seconds when he saw the thirty-nine point five symbol.

It's almost forty, shouldn't she go to a hospital? Why did her friend leave her alone when she was in such a bad state.

"I think we should go to the hospital."

"No, I'm okay."

She isn't okay at all. Toh sighed deeply when he realized that it would be difficult to persuade her. Originally he was going to drop of the medication and speak to her for a bit, but it doesn't seem like he is going to return home tonight.

Toh ensured that she was laying down. "I'll stay over. Let me borrow your kitchen. I'll cook."

"I-I can't trouble you like that-"

"Don't treat me like a stranger, even if this is only the second time we have met." Toh trailed off. "Are you okay with porridge and some soup too?"

"Uh, yes."

"Then stay here for a bit." Toh exited the room and sighed deeply. He has no idea why he is even doing this. But, for some reason, he can't leave her alone.

Toh briefly glanced around the place. It's strange, it's so late at night, and yet all her lights are on. Is she afraid of the dark?

'It seems like she is weaker than I thought. But, if that is the case, how can she smile so brightly like that?'

What an unusual woman; he truly cannot figure her out. Toh quickly went down the stairs. It did not take him long before he found the kitchen and started cooking. Seeing a few post-it notes stuck on the fridge, he paused.

'Remember to eat breakfast.'

'I stocked up the fridge. If you need anything else, message me.'

There were a few other posts it notes stuck in different places. That's a man's handwriting- Toh paused. For a split second, he felt annoyed.

What on earth is he doing? This is only their second meeting. But, he recalled his grandmother's words. Perhaps it wouldn't be bad to find a woman and settle down. If he had a normal relationship, it would be easier to blend into society too.

If only she wasn't sixteen. If she is a trainee on the verge of debuting too, this could be dangerous for her. It's alright for him, even if he is the older one. The media will focus on blaming the woman. It's the ugly truth about this world. Women will always be seen as frivolous when they get into a relationship. But men won't.

His thoughts broke off hearing the sound of his phone.


"You finally picked up. You a stubborn subordinate."

Toh sighed. "Boss."

"Did you dislike that woman too much? I apologize. I had no idea she had odd an odd hobby."

"Next time, find somebody less troublesome to deal with." Toh trailed off. "Do you have another one already?"

"Yes, this one is a bit different than the rest. You might have a hard time."

Toh sighed. "You said that last time too. Forget it, just send me the details over. I'll get it done quickly. What do you want from this one?"

"This one is a special case because she is my woman."

Huh? Toh's eyes widened hearing those words.

He heard the boss chuckle, and Toh quickly asked. "Your woman, sir? Do you mean the one you mentioned before?"

"Yes. I think it's about time I see her again."

"Wouldn't she only be sixteen, sir?"

"Indeed, I do not intend to marry her right away. But I want to test her a bit. This is where you come in. I want you to see what kind of woman she is."

Toh sighed when he heard the details. The boss has such strange habits. "So, boss, you're telling me it's okay for me to seduce and sleep with your woman?"

"Feel free; in the end, she will come to me of her own free will anyway."

He truly is a strange man. 'I have met all sorts of people due to my job, but I have never met anybody like the boss before.'

"You're not going to tell me any details?"

"Hmm, initially I was, but I think it would do you some good to struggle. The only hint you're getting from me is she is a member of the underworld."

That's not much of a clue at all. He could just decline this job. It's not like the boss can't ask somebody else. But this is an important task. The woman, the boss, is interested in? That eccentric man with a strange personality, what kind of woman is the one he likes?

"I see. I'll update you when I have news." Toh was going to end the call.

"Hold on. It seems your jumping between women even without my orders. If you want to settle down, I will allow it; this would be a good time. Just keep me informed."

"I shall."

Toh ended the call and finished cooking. To settle down, huh? He is only twenty years old. He still has his entire life ahead of him. But the people around him want him to find a stable partner. The next few years will be crucial for his career. Indeed, he will have no time to think about marriage later on. Maybe this is a good time after all.

It's hard to imagine him being with a woman for a long time, let alone marriage. He shouldn't think about it now. But, when the boss said those words, Sumire's face came to mind. No, no. Even if he does get into a serious relationship with her, think of the age difference.