I am interested in you

He wants to focus on Sumire. Toh quickly got changed in the bathroom. When he returned to the room, he found Sumire hunched in a ball shape on the bed, clenching her stomach.

Toh immediately understood and moved the curtain away. Sumire tried to put it back, but he grabbed hold of her wrist. "You're on your period, right? I'll massage your stomach."


"I won't do anything to you. I don't touch underage girls."

Sumire seemed reluctant but nodded. A fever and now her period, her body was already weak, and now this. Toh extended his hands out and lightly massaged her stomach. Usually an ice pack would be better, but he doesn't want to leave her now.



"Thank you so much. When I don't feel well, I dislike being alone."

"I don't mind, but you didn't ask your companion to stay?"

"I feel like I would be troubling him even more than I normally would."

So she has a close male companion. It must be the one he saw with her earlier. Judging from what he saw, that guy must like her. A person like that is nearby, but he is not the one she likes. This girl truly has complicated relationships. But he has no right to judge her since his relationships are complicated too.

"Get some rest. Goodnight. I'll be here when you wake up in the morning."


The followinh morning.

Toh didn't want to make himself too comfortable, but he had somewhere important to go today, so he borrowed her shower. As for a change of clothes, he called his assistant to bring him some. He had just finished making breakfast and setting it on the table in the kitchen when he saw her peering through the door.

"Do you want to eat?"

"I do. Um-"

Toh walked over and brushed his hands across her forehead. "Your fever has gone down. But your still warm, don't go to school today."


"I made you breakfast, and I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your shower."

As he spoke, he saw a complicated expression appear on her face. Toh leaned forward and lightly knocked their foreheads against one another.

"I haven't done anything to you. So you should let your guard down."

"I know. But we aren't familiar with each other. It's like inviting a stranger to your home."

She is still calling him a stranger; well, he didn't think it would be that easy. Based on her behaviour the first time they met, Toh understood that gaining her trust wouldn't be easy. But he is a psychologist; how many people have said something similar? Let's see whether or not she is fake.

"Regardless, you have been treating me kindly. So I have to thank you."

"I want to take responsibility."

Sumire blinked and laughed. "I see, then I will allow it."

Satisfied with her reply, he led her over to the table. "I apologize, but I used most of the fridge ingredients. I wanted you to have a filling meal."

"That's alright! I'm really hungry. It looks delicious."

Toh's gaze softened when he watched her eat. He wondered when was the last time he shared a meal like this with someone. When she first adopted him, Mashima Mizusa often shared meals with him. But as the years went by, both of them became too busy. Though they do share the occasional drink together, it's never a proper meal.

There is something about this situation that warms his heart.

His gaze fell on the girl who was watching him.


"Are you still recruiting models for your show?" Sumire asked.

"I am. What are you offering?"

Sumire shook her head. "No, I have a friend. My best friend is a model. I think you could make use of her. Right now, she is abroad, but I hear she is returning soon. She studied in France for a bit."

Oh? "What's her name?"

"Momoi Futaba."

At that comment, he almost dropped the drink in his hands. What type of connections does this girl have? Does she have any idea how popular her best friend is?

Momoi Futaba was an average model whose only advantage was her height. She was pretty, but many others were prettier than her. However, after the girl went to France, she completely transformed. To the point, it earned his grandmother's attention.

'Grandmother sent her many samples of clothing, and the girl responded by wearing it to gatherings. She isn't an official model under the brand, but there is a silent agreement between my grandmother and that woman.'

His grandmother who has an eye for talent.

"Have you not been keeping up with the news abroad?"

"I did at the beginning, but it made me miss her more. She left abroad shortly after we entered high school. So I decided I would wait until she comes back."

This girl is really simple-minded.

"I have enough experienced models participating. I was looking for some newbies. Sumire-chan how tall are you?"

"One hundred and eighty-one centimeters."

He thought she was tall, but that height is the perfect height for a model.

"I'm interested in recruiting you. Why don't you think about it?"

"I," Sumire averted her gaze. "I'm bad with crowds; that's why I'm sorry I can't accept your offer."

Bad with crowds? But isn't she a trainee on the verge of debuting? How can she be bad with people? Now that he thought about it, back when he was watching her in the club. She appeared to be strangely tense.

"It won't be a large show. There won't be more than three hundred, maybe even less." Toh trailed off when he saw her pale expression. "I won't force you, but this might help you overcome your fear."

If she is going to debut, she will eventually have to deal with larger crowds.

"I will think about it, but why do you-"

"It's because I'm interested in you."

Before he could lean forward and do anything, however, they both heard the sound of somebody knocking on the door.

"Ki? Good morning. I'm sorry I'm late- hey, are you awake?"

At those words, Sumire froze and immediately grabbed hold of his arm as she pushed him towards a large closet room. "S-stay there, and head out back."

Toh raised his eyebrows. It seems like she doesn't want her friend to know of him. Well, it doesn't matter; he is satisfied. 'There is still more to learn about her, but I can use the information I learned to create a profile for her.'

He leaned forward and brushed his lips against her ear. "Make sure to drink your medication, and keep in touch."

"Yes, I will."

Hearing the door unlock and the sound of approaching footsteps, Sumire quickly exited the room he was in and closed the door behind her. Through the small creak, Toh could see the identity of her companion. It was the same man he saw with her in the university the other day.

"Ki! Are you alright?"

"Ah-I'm okay, Ru. My fever went down."

"Are you sure? Oh, I should cook you-" He trailed off and glanced at the table. "-something. Ki, did you order from a restaurant?"

"Ah y-yes."

Toh watched the scene amused. This is like a boyfriend catching his girlfriend cheating. If he stepped out now, he wonders what type of reaction that man would have? He clearly likes Sumire.

"You shouldn't eat so much in the morning, though." Mamoru trailed off. "Save some for later?"

"I will." Sumire trailed off. "Are you alright?"

"Don't worry so much about me."

Seeing the concerned look in her eyes. Toh paused, so she could make that type of expression too. She truly is an intriguing woman.