That person will not hurt me

After a few more words, she ended the call. She wonders if it's truly okay for her to get involved with someone who is interested in her romantically. Would it be betraying Yuhi?

How can it be betrayal if they are not even dating?

Sumire sighed deeply. Yuhi was by her side for five days and even confessed her feelings. But neither of them labeled their relationship.

'Are we dating?'

Just three words, but she couldn't say it. It felt like she used up so much energy confessing her feelings. Maybe it's for the best that they don't define their relationship. After all, with her current standing in the entertainment world, she has no right to be by his side.

The moment she entered her room, Sumire noticed Ru fast asleep on the couch. She sighed deeply; what happened to sleeping in the guest room? Ru is so silly. Sumire crouched down and watched him sleep for a bit.

She could see small cuts and bruises on his face and his hands. He must have gotten into a fight again. This person does too much for her. If she could make a wish, she would wish for his freedom.

Ru, she truly appreciates his efforts being by her side this entire time. But he has his own future; how much longer will he continue to live only for her sake? Sometimes it is hard to watch.

Sumire slumped on her bed and stared at the ceiling as she took deep breaths. She extended her hand out towards the ceiling. How strange, that person.

Mashima Toh she has never met a person like that before. According to the background check, there are rumors that he sleeps with all his models. But strangely enough, nobody is calling him a player.

'It's because he focuses on one woman at a time.' So even though he has had loads of relationships, he doesn't date multiple people. Sumire tilted her head. He said he would take responsibility, and it seemed like he was interested romantically. Does that mean he intends to just focus on her for now?

She ought to give this more thought. It's not like Daiki-sama's confession or the previous confessions she has received the past few years.

Toh did not directly confess to her. But, it seems like there is something. How complicated, she only met him twice and exchanged a few messages. But, for some reason, she wants to learn more. She isn't dismissing his feelings like she would any other person.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a cooling pad pressed on her forehead.

"Ru, go back to sleep."

"You seem troubled by something. Perhaps did you have a guy over?"

Sumire sighed deeply. So he already knew? Then again, Ru knows about her social anxieties. She dislikes speaking on the phone, and hearing too many questions will overwhelm her. There is no way she would call a restaurant up for takeaway.


Mamoru blinked. "You mean-"

"I didn't want to meet with him so soon. But he saw us at the university yesterday and messaged me."

"He had your number?"

She doesn't remember giving it to him, but he did charge her phone when she stayed over his place. He must have saved her number then.

Mamoru looked troubled. "Ki, you only just met him. I know he didn't know your real age the first time you met, and he isn't a bad guy. But-"

"Don't nag."

"I'm just worried. We still don't know a lot about him. What if he is waiting for the right time to harm you?"

"That person will not hurt me," Sumire recalled his expression when he listened to her talk and how attentive he was taking care of her. They were already so close; if he wanted to hurt her, he would have done so already. "Besides, we both did background checks on one another."

"Uh you're telling me-"

"He is a smart one. My circumstances were indeed unusual; it's normal to suspect me. If he wanted to deceive me, he would have admitted to investigating me." Her lips curved to a smile. "Don't you think he is interesting?"

Ru lightly tapped her forehead. "Look at you getting involved with a strange person again. Yuhi was worried that you weren't answering his calls yesterday. Did something happen?"

Yuhi's calls? But she checked her call log this morning. Since Yuhi did not call her, Sumire figured that he was busy with work. With her current state yesterday, it was difficult to move, and she was very dizzy.

Maybe it was Toh? Sumire laughed softly. How cute of him.

"Maybe you should talk to Yuhi about this?" Mamoru trailed off. "I'm worried that I am not saying the right stuff."

Her gaze softened at his words, and she sat up. "No, I am thankful that you are by my side."

"I couldn't be here for you last night. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I wasn't alone. You can see from the breakfast he made me, right? He was very attentive."

Mamoru still looked troubled but nodded."I'll thank him for looking after you when I couldn't. But I can't trust him just yet."

"That's understandable. Besides, it's not like I fully trust him either."

Right now, Toh is just someone she is curious and wants to learn more about. Where that fascination will lead her to, she doesn't know. But for now, this is enough.

Mamoru pulled out an envelope. "I went to see Jack, and he recently found some potential suspects. I was going to wait until your better to give it to you. But you have a busy schedule. I spoke to your president, and he said he wants you to promote your new songs for a while."

Sumire sighed. "That slave driver. Doesn't he know that I just got hurt badly recently?"

"It's tough, love, relax. I asked him if I could be with you when you promote."

"If the fans see you-"

"I'll go as a staff member; relax."

It's still worrying. There is a reason why she seldom brings Ru with her to work. People in the entertainment industry are very nosy; if they see a particular person besides their idol, they will suspect something. Ru is a normal civilian, however, so there is a limit to what they can do.

But they can still cause him harm. How many stories has she heard of the fans destroying their idol's relationships?

Why can't a man and woman be friends? Why can't idols have 'normal relationships?'

Sumire sighed. She truly hates that part of the entertainment industry. Mamoru patted her hair.

"So you should relax too when you're attending those events. I will be right there."

"That's true. Humans are frightening, but if you're there with me, Ru, I will be okay."

Mamoru suddenly moved his hand away and averted his gaze. "You know lately Ki, you're a bit honest-"

Sumire felt her cheeks redden, understanding what he meant. "Don't misunderstand. Recently you look more exhausted. I just want you to know I am grateful."

Still, she understood why he felt embarrassed. Having an honest talk like this can be embarrassing. But what embarrassed her more was how she behaved around Toh yesterday.

That person is truly good with words.

'Your selfishness really wasn't a big deal. None of that really mattered. '

She cried all night. So when she woke up this morning and saw her puffy eyes, it did not surprise her. It is a good thing that Toh didn't notice. No, he must have noticed and just didn't say anything.