An abrupt confession

Sumire felt very frustrated. Ru is always smiling like he has no worries at all. But occasionally, she would see a troubled look in his eyes. Even if he doesn't tell her, he knows it has something to do with her.

This is why she lashed out. Whenever she questioned him, he would give her trivial information; no, he would give her excuses. 'I am not his girlfriend. I have no right to question him.' But even if they were in a relationship, she shouldn't control his actions.

Ahh, what is she doing getting so worked up just because he looked at her and told her it was nothing? Maybe it's the fever getting to her head.

"S--sorry!" Mamoru apologized.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Sumire snapped.

Now she was in a foul mood.

Mamoru laughed. "I was just thinking, your fever must have gone down if you have enough energy to lecture me like this."

Sumire felt her cheeks redeem embarrassed. "That's your fault. You're always staring at me; don't you get tired of it?"

Why does he always look at her?

"I like looking at you, Ki. You're pretty."

H-hold on time out; she wasn't expecting that type of reply. It's not like Ru to say such words either. As she thought, 'I can't understand this recent behaviour of his.' But she is still too frightened to ask him directly.

She doesn't know what type of answer she is waiting to hear. But something tells her that it's not something she ought to hear now.

Nao finds them after that. Of course, he does; it would have been strange if he didn't find them despite her loud voice. Though when he pressed himself against the window like that, she got the scare of her life. It was like the secret horror route in a school game. Mamoru must have noticed her fear since he grabbed hold of her hand.

It seemed like they were the last ones to be found.

'You know Yuhi, right now I am happy. Spending time with everyone like that is fun, and I can smile more.'

But Sumire placed her phone closer to her chest whenever she received messages from Yuhi doubles that happiness.

However, she removed something out of her pocket. It was the lighter Yuhi had left behind.

'It's hard to be happy without you; how can she enjoy herself without you by my side? It's unfair. I don't deserve happiness, but you do.'

Does a person like herself genuinely deserve to be happy? The answer is no. How can such a vile being smile so easily?

She has committed so many crimes.

Mikaze and Daiki-sama had the unfortunate experience of running into the security guard. Thankfully it wasn't a strict guard, and he even opened the classroom up so Mikaze could get his guitar.

After they parted ways with the others, she was left with Ru, who was taking her back home. For the last few minutes, neither of them spoke. This is a bit awkward; isn't it because she got emotional earlier?

'Stupid, stupid.' Sumire mentally hit her head. What is she doing causing problems for him? So what if he was staring at her? He has the freedom to do so. Why did she question him like some criminal that has motives?

Sumire sighed; maybe she ought to take a break from the underworld. All this investigating seems to lead to her being uneasy and nervous all the time. She even troubled Ru.

"So, about what I just told you."

"Y-yes?" Sumire stammered.

Mamoru laughed. "You don't have to be so nervous, Ki. I am not angry."

"On the walk out of the school building, I did a moment of self-reflection. You have the right to stare at me, Ru, and if you have something on your mind while doing so, I have no right to question you unless you tell me yourself."

"No, you have that right, Ki. I gave it to you a long time ago." Mamoru trailed off. "Let's see; there is a reason why I dodge this topic a lot. I can't put it into words just yet, but for me, you are the most important person in my life."

Eh? Sumire felt her heart beat increase rapidly as she heard his words. W-what is he talking about?

"I look at you a lot because I like seeing your many different expressions."

Um, hold on, why does it sound like he is confessing to her? What is with this situation?

'I have hesitated enough. I should ask him.'

"Say Ru, do you have somebody you like?"


Does he? Sumire felt her already beating heart increase. He told her just like that, then maybe he would tell her who- before she could even say a word; however, Mamoru continued.

"It's you, Ki."

Sumire blinked, startled at his sudden confession. It's not like she didn't expect it, but what is this?

"I have always liked you. But you know it's okay."


"The person you like, Ki, it's Yuhi."

Right, Ru is one of the few people who know about her feelings towards Yuhi.

It surprised her just now when he said it with a serious look on his face. 'To think I'm the one he likes.' It's not like there haven't been signs. She may be clueless when it comes to romance-related stuff. But Ru's behavior towards her well was just strange. He always looked at her with an affectionate gaze.

Maybe because she felt agitated due to her fever, but she felt restless when she saw Ru staring at her like that.

The one Ru likes are her? It's her? So those jealous girls were speaking the truth. It's no wonder they dislike her. How come she didn't notice? How long has he liked her for?


"Time out."

"Ki do you uh-"

"I don't know, Ru. I genuinely don't. I didn't feel disgusted when you confessed just now. But, I-"

'I cannot forgive-'

"That's fine for now. I can wait."

"B--but you, seriously like me? What's wrong with you?"

Mamori laughed. "I wonder what it is." He suddenly slumped to the ground.

"Ru, what's-" Sumire paused when she saw his red stained cheeks. No his entire face even up to his ear. Oh, so even Ru can make an expression like this.

It's not the first time seeing him embarrassed, but there is something different. This is embarrassing; she can't look at him properly.

Her thoughts broke off when Mamoru stood up and grabbed hold of her hands.

"I won't pressure you for a reply. Initially, I wasn't going to say anything, but recently it feels like I haven't been controlling myself enough. You noticed, right?"

That's true. It's because of his unusual behavior that she ended up feeling worked up.

"Ru I-"

"I know how much you like Yuhi, and I have been pushing for you to get with him. That's why I never said anything. It felt like I would turn into a hypocrite if I confessed."