That's the type of person I am

For a moment, Mamoru didn't speak. She could hear him coughing in the background. Is he sick? After a few seconds, she hears a familiar voice.

"Uh- 'There is somebody else that I like, so I cannot go out with you.'" Mamoru replied nervously.

She almost dropped the phone, hearing those words. The person Ru likes. She felt her cheeks colour, and she coughed.

"Y-you didn't say my name did you?"

"O-of course I wouldn't, but you're the only girl I get along with. It's not hard to figure out." Mamoru stammered.

Sumire didn't know what to say to that. Or rather, the more Mamoru spoke, the more she felt her cheeks heat up. It's weird, after all, even though Ru hasn't been treating her any differently. But ever since she has learned about his feelings towards her, she feels self-conscious.

"D-did you eat lunch yet? It's still cold, too. I hope you are wearing proper clothing."

She hears laughter.

"That's just like you, Ki."

'That's just like me, huh? Ru knows her very well. He knows about the ugly sides I don't show people. He accepts those sides. But I always thought it was natural since he has known me for a long time.'

"When will you be back? Can I see you today?"

"You want to see me?" Mamoru seemed surprised.

"W-we didn't get a chance to speak properly the other time." Sumire stammered.

"Then, I will be back before dinner. Uh, will you be cooking again?"

"That's my intention. I need to practice as much as I can while I have a good teacher."

Although because she felt embarrassed about what happened yesterday, she ended up messing up the omelets. She still finished making it and left that note. She wonders if he would still eat it even if it tastes bad.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a piercing stare in her direction and sighed. Here comes the culprit to the thumbtacks. She is probably checking to see if her pranks were a success. Unfortunately, even if the others didn't clean up her locker for her. These tricks wouldn't have worked on her.

The moment she ended the call with Ru, the girl who had been spying on her took a step forward. There was a small crowd with her too.

"Ibuki-san, what do you think of Mamoru-kun?"

Sumire sighed deeply. How many times has she heard this question already? It is so tiring, the same old repeating pattern.

"What are you trying to say? Can you speak up? You're not being very clear."

"I-last week, I told Mamoru-kun how I felt."


"I was rejected."


"I asked him if he already had somebody he liked, and he said yes. Mamoru-kun isn't close with many girls, and you are the only one with him every day. The one he likes can only be you."

Unlike the last one that confronted her, this one is being more open. But even so, this is irritating. Why does she have to repeat herself over and over? These people already know how she will reply. Why do they continue attacking her like this?

"So, exactly what do you want me to do? What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say something just to satisfy your ego?"

"Th-that's so cruel-"

"Are you truly saying that after putting thumbtacks on my shoes, putting my desk outside, the graffiti on my workbooks?"

"T-there is no proof-"

Sumire sighed and raised her phone to show several pictures.

"I-I just think that if you don't have feelings for Mamoru-kun, you shouldn't hang around him all the time-"

Switching to that tactic because she cannot refute the evidence, huh? These girls are all the same. If they truly cared for Ru, they wouldn't do something to harm the person he likes.

"You have no right to tell me what to do." Sumire snapped.

The irritation she built up from all the stares and whispers this morning and finding her notebooks and the clubroom a mess finally exploded. The girl rushed off crying at her cruel words, and her friends followed after glaring at her harshly and calling her a devil.

A devil, huh? It's not like those words will impact her now. After safely removing the thumb tacts, she changed her shoes to her outdoor ones. There are still a few hours left before school ends, but she does not feel like attending afternoon lessons.

"So, that's what you meant when you said you weren't a nice girl." A familiar voice said.

Sumire laughed weakly. "So you saw that, Toh."

Toh stepped out from behind the trees and walked over.

"Are you always like that?" Toh asked.

"That's right, that's the type of person I am. So you, your feelings are wasted on-" Her sentence fell short when she felt a pair of lips on hers. It was a brief kiss, and he immediately pulled away. "Your so strange, Toh."

"-and you taste like strawberries. Did you eat some?"

"Ah, I did."

"I came to take you home. Class isn't over yet, so I thought I would be waiting longer."

This person is very concerned about her. Is it because he knows about her condition? No, even if Toh didn't have that information, he would probably still act the same.

"I wanted to return quickly and fix the omelet I made."

Toh's lips curved into a smile. "I thought you made it extra spicy because you were upset."

"I-I wasn't." Sumire averted her gaze. "I felt like I troubled you a lot saying all that stuff."

"It wasn't troublesome at all. I told you already that you could rely on me." Toh trailed off. "Why don't we grab a bite to eat? I don't think you have had lunch yet."


The place Toh brings her to is a small izakaya in the corner of town. How unusual, she has walked past this place so many times, but she has never been in there before. With his image, she thought he would take her to a fancier place. Not that she is complaining, a place like this suits her far better.

"I-I am only a student. How could you bring me to a bar?"

Toh raised his eyebrow. "Did you not forget on the first day we met, you went to a casino of all places?"

She can't refute him there. Indeed, she has been in far worse places before.

It wouldn't be the first time for her to go to a bar, either. Still, for Toh to take her to a place like this. He must come here often. She did want to learn more about him, so this would be a good opportunity to do so.

Sumire stirs the contents of her drink and cautiously watches Toh. Now that she was calmer, she thought back to what had happened in school a few minutes ago.

He kissed her far too easily. He must do that often. How many women has he dated? Moreover, he is older than her. The age difference is not as large as the one she had with Sano.