I don't want her to get hurt

"It will sometimes rain

but that's okay because we need water.

We mustn't let

the tree of everyone's dreams dry up."

'Did you know Yuhi? It's because of you that I fell in love with music. It's because of you that I could take my dreams this far. I still have stage fright, and many things worry me about entering this industry. But I want you to know. I want you to understand how deep my feelings are for you.'


I love you, hooray!

Have the courage not to give up!

Let's enjoy ourselves here right now!

I love you, hooray!

You can work harder now, so wave goodbye to the past

and face forwards!"


"Keep going. I'll be by your side even when things get tough.

If you keep going, the sun will shine over the East.

All answers will make you hesitate, but the road ahead

is one no one knows… no one can say…."

Unknown to Sumire, two people were standing by outside the door and listening. When they heard that the president had booked this place, Masaru immediately understood the reason why. He wanted to go over and support Sumire, and it seemed like he wasn't the only one with the same idea.

One by one, his fellow nanairofeather members came. Masato and him were the first ones here, and Nao was the last one to arrive.

"Ssssh," Sei said, pulling Nao toward the other side.

"So what's with this?" Nao questioned.

"We're spying," Sei said.

"I can see that. But on whom and why?"

"Sumire." Masato said.


I love you, hooray!

I'm glad we're here,

I'm glad the both of us are here!

I love you, hooray!

This just started, so treat me well tomorrow too!

This isn't our goal yet." Sumire sang.

"The little lady was really concerned about us getting more practice time. However, after we finished our solo lives, we all made up slight excuses to leave."Masaru said.

Masato and he finished first since they were at the program's start. But the others were towards the end, so they only just came.

This song, Masaru immediately identified it. It was one of the first songs the lady wrote when she realized, she was in love with Yuhi. Masaru clenched his fist as expected. Even now, Sumire is holding her feelings back.

Even though she is beautifully playing the piano now and singing exactly like an angel, she is holding herself back. Sumire is holding her feelings for Yuhi back and her skills. This isn't related to her stage fright either. The other reason. She still hasn't resolved herself.

Sumire wants to become a number one idol, which is the girl's dream. But she is still hesitating and is filled with doubts. The president has been making arrangements for her debut. But Masaru does not think this is the right time for it.

This visit didn't go to waste, however. Masaru's gaze fell onto Mashima Toh. Surprisingly this guy got here before they all did. It is rare for the lady to feel comfortable singing in front of another person. When they had that discussion a few days ago, he only said those words to see her reaction.

'Since the lady has taken a liking to him, I won't do anything. But, if this guy oversteps his boundaries and makes her miserable, there will be hell to pay.'

Masaru's gaze fell onto the pianist, who had been silent the entire time. Masato's gaze wasn't on Sumire but on Mashima Toh.

"Do you still disapprove?" Masaru asked.

He was very surprised when he saw how vocal Masato was about not liking Mashima Toh being around Sumire.

"I don't trust him at all. There is something suspicious about him."

"Hmm, so are you going to keep warning her?"

Masato shakes his head. "If I interfere too much, Sumire will be very upset."

Certainly, this is the reason why he didn't say anymore. He didn't want to overstep his boundaries. After all, they are only friends.

Like the others, he does have feelings for her. But he also knows better than to confess.


The others eventually had to leave since they had more work. Masaru waits until Mashima Toh disappears to take a phone call before appearing before her. Sumire was doing some stretches. She didn't seem surprised to see him.

"You and the others need to do a better job at spying. You all suck."

Masaru chuckled. "Now, now. We came here to visit because we were worried. But it seems like you are doing just fine."

A complicated look appears on Sumire's face. "To be honest with you, Masaru-senpai. If Toh wasn't here, I don't think I would have been able to sing." Sumire trails off. "On my way here, I was about to have a panic attack. But when I saw Toh, I felt calm. Say, senpai, do you think I like Toh?"

Masaru blinks. So, she doesn't understand her feelings for Mashima yet? When she spoke up like that the other day, Masaru thought the girl was already starting to feel something for Mashima. But it turns out that isn't the case here.

"I think it is too soon for you to conclude. Get to know him a bit more." Masaru advised.

He doesn't want the girl to jump into another relationship without thinking it through. If only he wasn't abroad at the time she dated Nagawa Sano, he would have definitely advised her not to date him.

"Mm." Sumire nodded. "I am trying. That's why even though I feel much better recently. I am still staying over at his home. Both of us are very busy people. If I return home, I won't be able to see him as often."

"But, you have to be careful. On our way here, I spotted the media at the door. They naturally can't get inside without a pass, but they are like snakes. They will definitely find a way to get inside."

"I know." Sumire sighed. "Truly, I am tired of it already, and I haven't even debuted yet. Once I debut, they will definitely get out of hand."

"Leave it to big brother. I won't let anything happen to you."

Sumire sighs. "If I leave it up to you, you'll definitely do something drastic. Masaru-senpai, would it be weird if I fell in love with Toh? Or at least start dating him?"

"It wouldn't be odd, given your current circumstances. However, I truly want you to think it through before you get into your next relationship. Not too long ago, I did tell you that starting a new relationship may heal the scar from the last one."

"That you did," Sumire mumbled.

"But, I do not think jumping into one so soon is good. I don't know whether you will ever fall in love with Mashima since your feelings for Yuhi are too strong. But, I'd at least like you to feel more fondness for him than anybody else before you get into a relationship."

He doesn't want her to get hurt because of love again.