So tired

The hours felt like they were deliberately dragging on. Futaba and Masaru-senpai continued sending her updates. It was difficult for her to concentrate on the rest of the performances. But, one of them stood out to her despite her unusual state. The performance by Futaba's childhood friend, Iwa Ran.

He was very good. She has never seen somebody other than Yuhi with such powerful vocals and dance. His turn was before Masato's, and she was after Masato.

She thought he would just go past her but Ran paused. "My apology for the other day, I will say it properly another time. I heard what happened."

Oh, is he trying to comfort her?

"I know you're worried, but just focus on the music. Music will never betray you."

He didn't say anymore than that and walked away. Music will never betray her huh?

Her thoughts break off when Masato knocks her forehead. "Even after he harassed you, you're still going to be civil towards him?"

"Of course, I'm not a rude person."

Or rather it's Masato's behaviour towards Iwa Ran that is strange. Seeing Masato nervously adjust his tie several times Sumire chuckled.

"I never thought I'd see you nervous."

"Obviously, anyone would be."

It's natural to feel nervous huh?

"Our next performance is from Star company, Senna Masato."

After hearing the announcement, Sumire flinched.

"Now, now why are you stiff?" Masato knocks her forehead again.

"Right now, I want to convey the enjoyment of music to you. So, pay close attention."

Sumire watched as Masato went on the stage. She blinks seeing him walk towards the piano. Huh? But, wasn't he going to sing a more pop like song today?

Sumire recalled his behaviour after he saw her sing yesterday. Perhaps did he change his mind then?

"Wipe your tears." From the time things began to move,

Like the thawing snow, the glimmer of the future shines bright.

This dream is always knocking on the mind. Feel it." Masato sang.

Ah, this song. It's the one she wrote for him not too long ago. But, because it is a ballad. It's not wise to perform it on large music programs. What is he doing?

"On the corner of the asphalt, shivering in the icy darkness,

An unafraid pure heart.

Flowers are always looking up.

No matter when, I don't want to forget it.

That smile is my sun.

Because the flood of love won't stop,

I'm being filled with these feelings.

I want you to let me stay by your side.

Let's share what we "believe"…

"I wonder why?" Every time I find that shape,

The past heat haze gently vanishes into the sky.

Like a lamp knocking on the mind, it's warm." Masato sang.

Half way through the song, Sumire's confusion had vanished. He is so silly. He doesn't have to do this for her sake. But, she is truly thankful.

Masato's song helped calm her down, but the minute she stepped onto the stage. She felt her knees go weak as she stiffly tried to walk towards the center.

"Wow, is that-"

"It is, it's the artist who got kicked out of blueberry entertainment."

"You mean the one who bullied Fuuko-sama?"

"How come she is here."

Sumire flinched hearing those comments. Just ignore them Sumire. How many times has she heard those comments since she left the company? She was the one who ended up leaving, but they twisted the rumors and didn't hesitate to try and tarnish her reputation. Reputation isn't important to her, she just wants to sing. But unfortunately she needs a good reputation to sing.

She could already hear the sounds of people booing her and telling her to get off the stage. It's okay, she can do this. She can do this. Sumire opened her eyes but the moment she saw the blinding lights, she realised she couldn't see the audience properly.

Her plan to have Toh sit in the center completely failed. She can't see him like this. Is he even here yet? He would have seen her back stage first. It doesn't take her long to realise that Toh probably wasn't in the audience. He isn't here.

Then she can't- she won't be able to do this. The previous times she only managed to sing because she knew Toh was around. But, how can she do that now.

No way, her entire body is stiff. She can't do this. Sumire shuts her eyes. Just remember the previous times, she was fine yesterday. She has to do this even if Toh isn't here. Sumire felt her entire body tremble and her entire face break into sweat.

She opened her mouth to sing but only broken words came out.

"She can't even remember the lyrics."

"Pfft of course she can't, she is only a third class singer if we can even call her that."

"Wasn't there a rumor that she tried to steal Fuuko-sama's songs?"

Her entire body was trembling, and as she tried to sing again. Sumire realised that she couldn't get any words out. She couldn't even talk. When she raised her face, all she could see was the faces of everybody pointing at her and laughing.

Before she knew what was happening the mic had slipped from her fingers.

"Dropping the mic? She is going too far seeking attention now."

"Get off the stage." The audience started to chant.

This was supposed to be the start of her dream, but right now everything is blurry. Toh isn't here and Ru's life is in danger. She can't do this. She is so tired already.


In the audience, there was a man with black hair wearing a cap that covered his facial features. But he was staring at the stage with clenched fist.

'Sumire, what's wrong? You can do this. I know you can.'

He hears footsteps approaching from behind him. "I didn't think you'd take the first flight here."

"Your the one who sent me footage of her rehearsal Aki."

"Indeed, but you really dropped everything to see her. The love is strong, Yuhi." Aki commented.

Yuhi turned his attention back onto the stage. When he received the news that she accepted to perform. He immediately understood the reason for it. She is responding to his performance. Sumire knows that he is singing for her.
