I have to tell him

At breeze hotel, a few hours later.

Sumire peeked through the door. There are so many people here. She wonders if it is truly okay for her to be in a place like this. It was stupid thinking that, with her status she actually belonged to places like this. However, she feels very uncomfortable.. She tugged on the hem of her purple coloured dress hoping to pull it down more so her legs wouldn't show at all. But it was difficult with the design. Toh gave it to her as a gift and she couldn't refuse because she saw how hard he worked on it.

She would never have realised that the dress he was working so hard to make was for her.

No matter how determined she sounded earlier. Her current state was a mess, she was too nervous to even step inside the hall and her heart beat was pounding so loudly. She felt her palms turn sweaty due to the nerves. This is bad, if she doesn't get out of here soon she may have a break down in front of everyone.

But, she has to do this today. If she doesn't, then she will never find the courage to do so again. Sumire takes a deep breath before stepping into the hall.

Now that she was actually inside, Sumire realised there was more people in here than she thought.

'I feel sick.' She immediately felt nauseous seeing the huge crowd. It's fine, all she has to do is find Toh quick. When Toh sees her, he will surely leave with her because he understands her situation.

'To think I am doing so much for Toh. This better be worth me sacrificing myself like this.'

The minute she stepped inside, Sumire was aware of all the gazes on her. Naturally she knew she would attract attention. Quite some time has passed since she last stepped into the elite circle. So people here won't recognise her, and for those who do. They must be wondering what she is doing here. The elite circle, like the name implies is a group of high class and rich individuals.

Due to the death of her parents, she stopped going to these events. She still belonged to the circle, and was considered 'rich' but Sumire didn't want to associate herself with these people further. Sometimes she still has to speak to her other relatives regarding the business, but other than that she wanted nothing to do with the people in this circle.

Right now she is a fresh face, so people must be whispering about what her identity is. But, instead what she heard was the girls discussing her dress, and the jewellery she wore. Sumire exhales deeply. It hasn't changed at all, superficial topics and fake smiles.

She has only been here for a few seconds but she is already feeling suffocated. Sumire looks around, where is Toh? Is he not here yet?

'I can't do much in my current state, I will have a drink and something to eat first and then I will search.'

Sumire walked over to the banquet table, grabbed some food and a drink from a waiter and found a corner to sit down. She watched the people dancing, and chatting with a deep sigh. They are dressed in such fine luxuries, and the decorations for this banquet must have cost a lot. But, she recalled the faces of those in the underworld. There are many people who are suffering and struggling to live each day.

Her thoughts break off hearing the loud chattering of the people around her.

"It's Toh-sama!"

"Toh-sama just arrived."

"Tsk, who is that woman?"

Sure enough, Sumire follows the gaze of the girls to see Toh stepping in wearing a silver coloured tuxedo that matched his hair. There was a woman with ginger coloured curly hair and emerald coloured eyes, clinging to his arm and laughing.

She frowned. Of course he is with a woman. Most people attend these events with a partner. It doesn't mean they are dating, but the elite circle takes pride in whoever they bring with them to these events. It could suggest the start of a courtship, or future business deals. Either way, this wouldn't be the last time they would be associating with each other.

Sumire watched for a few minutes and eventually she caught Toh's gaze. He seemed startled to see her and she had to stop herself from laughing. Just a few minutes ago, he looked calm and like a completely different person.

One of the first things she noticed when they first met was the aristocratic air around him. He was oozing with the aura of a rich noble young man. She wondered if that was the reason why she accepted his offer to help her that day.

During her recovery, and especially the past week she has had a lot of time to think about their relationship. From their very first meeting, she wondered if they were destined to end up this way.

It's not like her feelings for Yuhi have disappeared yet, she knew even now if she listened to his songs she would cry knowing he was singing for her. But, she cannot push Toh away. She wants to change herself, and being with Toh, she feels like a different person. No, a much better version of herself.

'I maybe doing this for selfish reasons, but I don't want to let somebody go again just because I am insecure and indecisive. I have to make the first step, otherwise nothing will change.'

Her thoughts break off when she sees the girl leaning even closer and she clenches her fist tightly. She was so tempted to walk over and remove that girl from her arm, but she shakes her head. Toh already saw her, if she goes over now it would cause problems for him. She should wait for him.

Sumire was about to start eating, but the minute she turned her attention to her plate she noticed a man walking over to her. Sumire immediately recognised the man. It was Akira Kenji, the flirt from the gathering Futaba had taken her to not too long ago.

She sighed deeply. She knew eventually they would meet again, but she didn't expect it to be today.

"Hey there, fancy seeing you here." Kenji smiled.

Naturally this earned the attention of the people nearby. It seems Kenji was also an influential person.

'I haven't been paying much attention to the business section recently, so I don't know who he is.'

Sumire gave a small nod of acknowledgement and mumbled a hi, as her gaze remained on Toh. She was focusing more on the leach that was on his arm. Damn, maybe she should go over there and mingle with the crowd. But the mere thought of doing that made her feel sick again.
