
The tension in the car was too hard to ignore, and even Ru who would normally crack jokes to break awkward silences seemed to be contemplating whether or not to speak. Or maybe he was being quiet, because he still felt unwell. Either way, she wishes he would speak right now.

After a few long minutes of enduring the tension, Ru speaks up.

"Uh, did something happen with Sano?" Mamoru asked.

It was just a casual question, but it hit right on the mark since this was because of Sano. The look of fury flashed through Toh's eyes again.

"Tsueno." Toh's tone is dangerous and deadly, making even Mamoru flinch.

"Y-yes?" Mamoru said nervously.

"You better stop contacting that guy with updates on Sumire. I don't know what sort of deal you struck with him. But it has to stop now. Sumire is my girlfriend, and I don't want some ex ogling at her photos and getting crazy ideas that she still belongs to him."

It was her first time experiencing this side of Toh. He sounds so cold, vicious and heartless. For a moment, there is a tiny seed of doubt in her heart. What sort of person did she accept into her life? Does she truly know the real him?

Those thoughts dispel easily when she felt Toh's reassuring hand squeeze her thighs. Oh? He was still angry, but this anger seemed different then what she was used to.

Sumire looks at him, for the first time properly since she saw what he did to Sano and sees the look in his eyes. Ah she has seen this before, on Ru's expression whenever she does anything stupid and on Yuhi's. He is angry at Sano, because Sano hurt her.

"So he did something?"

Toh clicked his tongue annoyed and hissed. "Yes he did, I didn't appreciate walking in on them lip locking and him touching her. It seems this isn't the first time he has done this either this past week."

A mixture of horror and pain flashed through Mamoru's eyes. She wanted to tell him not to blame himself and that it was her fault. But she knew even if she said that, Ru's attitude on this wouldn't change.

"Your right. I will stop. I don't want Ki to get hurt."


Toh didn't speak after that, and despite feeling suffocated. Sumire wasn't in the mood for conversation. She closed her eyes instead, knowing that not even the scenery would distract her. Before she drifted of, her last thought was.

'This man, cares too much for me. For something like me.'


For the rest of the day, she spent it taking care of Ru and the two of them just caught up. Although she has been visiting him in the hospital the past week, she has spent most of that time unfortunately with Sano. Talking to Ru about mundane and random topics, and playing games together. She felt a lot more refreshed.

Sumire wanted to stay over but Ru insisted that she returned to her home.

Ru made a point, she hasn't been here in quite some time so she had a lot of cleaning to do. After several hours of cleaning, the house finally looked tidy. How can dust accumulate in such a short amount of time? She slumped onto the couch exhausted. But after a few seconds she hears the sound of the door.

She blinked puzzled. Who would be visiting her this late? She picked up her phone that she tossed aside earlier and saw several messages from Toh.

From: Toh

Let's talk. I'm going to see you.

It was sent an hour ago. Then he must be here now. Sumire quickly got up and paused in front of the mirror as she combed her hair as best as she could. She looked like a mess, and wanted to change into some clean clothes. But she had no time for that. She straightened her clothes the best she could. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, this will have to do.

Sumire walked down the hallway, her heart beat increasing at each step she took. It did not take long before she arrived in front of the door, and the moment she turned the door knob-somebody slumped into her arms.

It was Toh, for a moment she is stunned when she saw his flushed cheeks. Realisation dawned on her immediately.

"Did you drink?" Sumire said accusingly.

Toh chuckled. "My patients do it all the time, drink when they are frustrated. I never understood why they would degrade themselves. But after I dropped you off, I was furious still and couldn't get rid of my anger. It took all my control not to go back to the hospital and beat him up again."

So, despite his anger. He still has some self-control. Sumire sighed relieved. Indeed, Sano is at fault but so is she. What was she thinking allowing him to do that to her?

"I also know that you share the blame. However, I do not want to blame you. I just want you to understand Sumire. That you are valuable, that you are somebody precious. Please have more self-respect towards yourself."

Sumire stared at him blankly and didn't reply immediately. "I-I don't understand what that means- I mean-I get the concept but-" She kept her head down.

She understands the concept, but how could she apply that to herself?

Something like that is only for people who deserve love and happiness. That is a privilege she cannot grant herself.

Her thoughts break off when Toh raised his face, cupped her cheeks. His eyes lingered on hers for a few seconds and she felt her beating heart speed up even more than before. Toh is kissing her deeply and yet it was so gentle, it made her feel something strange.

Precious, loved and wanted. Three words she would never associate with herself. But Mashima Toh is doing so with a single kiss.

Sumire didn't realise how badly she wanted to cry, how much she had been suppressing her emotions since Sano started to do that stuff to her. After her kissed her, he picked her up and brought her to the living room. Once they were inside, he placed her onto his lap.

"Was it scary?" Toh asked.

"Yes." Sumire admitted.

It was a single word, but it was more than enough to convey the emotions she has been feeling.

Now that Toh was asking her. She retraced her thoughts back to the events the past week. Did she truly allow him? Or was it fear that controlled her?
