I cannot forget

Gradually, the amount of violence has increased in Japan for the past year. But it has been more severe in Star Town.

Could that have been the trigger? Or maybe it was a case that happened fairly recently. The appearance of that man wearing a black cloak, the one who attacked Masaru.

With the recent events, she has pushed him to the back of her mind. But now that she is alone, she can't help but think of him. That person, is he the same one that appears in her nightmares of the accident?

That forest in the back of the Ibuki family manor has been sealed off from the general public ever since her parent's accident. None of her relatives wanted to go near it, claiming it was haunted, even when they tried to take ownership of the manor.

Right now, she is the one who owns those grounds. Even though she cannot touch her inheritance, she still has the legal right to keep the mansion under her name.

That place she only went back once to disrupt her relative's little party and kick them out. But, perhaps it is time to pay a visit. If missing people's bodies are turning up there, it wouldn't surprise her if there is a link to her current case and that one.

'I will have to arrange a date to go back. The concur-' Sumire paused and sighed. She wanted to practice a bit more, but she could not ignore what was happening around her. These missing people cases have been happening far too frequently. She has to do something about it.

'I have power, the power to make such changes. If I do not use it, it will be a sin.'

The girl missing from the university.

The people disappearing from this mansion.

The dead bodies of missing people that turned up in the forest of the Ibuki family manor.

These three cases are certainly linked somehow, and then there is the case of evolved humans being attacked and their brains being removed. Could the people going missing be evolved, humans? There is nothing to support this theory so far, but it is better than nothing. A lead is a lead.

If Yuhi-san were here, he would come to the same conclusion, wouldn't he? All these incidents happening at the same time must be connected. Even if they are not, they cannot erase the possibility of a link. When she returns home later, she ought to analyze the case files properly.

This entire time she has been doing her best to avoid thinking about Yuhi. But, after hearing his performance the other day. She hasn't been able to stop thinking about him.

'It seems even if I want to forget. I cannot do so.'

It is during moments when she is alone like this where she recalls the many moments they had together in the past.

Star Town, Holy Knights Headquarters.

"Once again, please remember to quickly get home or stay at work. I repeat, this is a red-level flood warning. Stay away from windows or doors, and if you can, avoid using water." Hearing the announcement in the radio, Sumire exhaled deeply as she walked through the halls of the Holy Knights headquarters.

She was just about to head home after a long shift. But, on her way out, she heard the announcement. Understanding that she wouldn't be able to go home tonight, she went into the archives to look for some old case files and decided to head back to the main office.

If she has to stay here, she might as well do something productive.

On their last job with Yuhi-san, she was very impressed with how he dealt with the criminals. How does he understand them so well? They already went through profiling before, but she still isn't very good.

With school and the increasing cases. She hasn't had much of an opportunity to do so. Her thoughts break off when she sees the lights flickering.

Even if the lights go out due to the typhoon, she still has a torch with fully charged batteries. She can still work. Sumire quickly found her office, a huge sign that said number one. The minute she slipped inside, she realized she wasn't alone.

On the couch, there was a man with black hair fast asleep. Cups of coffee and documents are scattered all over the tables. His jacket hung on the edge of the couch, and there was a book on top of his chest.

Sumire tilted her head. He must have just returned from a job. She hadn't seen him all day. Although they are partners, it doesn't mean they have to do every job together. There are times when they are assigned solo missions. With Yuhi-san's strength, it's normal.

She stared at him for a few minutes and noticed the glasses on his face. He did say that he had poor eyesight. She thinks for a few minutes before putting the files to one side and walking over. She moved the book away and draped his coat around him as a makeshift blanket. The moment she proceeded to remove his glasses; however, a hand shot out and grabbed her.

She is lying down on the couch with Yuhi-san on top of her in seconds. She felt heat creep onto her face, and her heart beat increased. As partners, they have had many moments where they have had to get close to each other on missions. But even though this has happened before. She can't get used to being close to him like this.

"A sneak attack? Nice try, but that won't work." His grip on her hand tightened, and she flinched.

It didn't take her long to see the dark gaze in his eyes. Doesn't he realize it's her? His grip increased, and she shuddered at the intensity of his gaze.

"Yuhi, it's me-"

Her words didn't work. He was still looking at her like he would kill her at any moment. Sumire took a deep breath before she hesitantly reached over and caressed his cheek. After a few minutes, she sees the light return to Yuhi's eyes.


"Yes, it's me."