

'I have seen with my own eyes, how sharp her senses are.' Whenever they are walking together in public. Sumire is the first one to notice when others are looking at him. She is fully aware of what is going on in her surroundings, and she can sense people's emotions. Anger, sadness, happiness. There is no doubt she must have known.

But she still stayed, she still drank. All because she convinced herself that she was in love with that bastard-

"I did. But I wanted to forgive him. I didn't want to lose him. I thought he would eventually explain it to me. I wanted to believe he had a reason." Sumire laughed bitterly. "However after that incident, I gradually started to find other womens garments in his place and in his car. He started meeting with me less. Whenever we met, there wasn't much talking but more touching instead."

She did mention before that she still continued dating him despite finding evidence of his cheating.

Sumire was crying hard at this point as she leaned her face towards his chest. "I was really naive. Even if I wanted to fill the hole that Yuhi-san left me. I should have chosen better. I shouldn't have rushed into a relationship. It was cruel of me to use him, and maybe I deserved it for using him as a substitute. But I remained loyal, and I gradually started to fall for him. I spent less time with my friends, and focused on him. I went on less jobs for Aki. I devoted myself to him. But, it all ended with him tossing me aside because I couldn't fulfill his needs. When we were already overstepping boundaries."

"Did you not think to report him?"

"After the break up, I thought about it countless times. I do keep in touch with the detective you know. He gave me his number just in case I changed my mind. But. a part of me still cared. It was wrong to still care for him. Yet, I couldn't."

"-and now?" Toh dared to ask.

"Now I am with you, and while my memories with San are still fresh and painful. I feel like I am getting better. There is no need for me to report him now, I just want to cut him out of my life and focus on you."

"On us." Toh corrected. "There is no you or me, beautiful. Just us."

He considered her his equal in everyway. But, she probably doesn't realize that.

"So now you know. We kissed a lot, and I touched him wherever he wanted me too and I let him do what he wanted with me." Sumire paused. "What you described to me, sounds similar but it's different?"

Toh nodded. "I will make sure your comfortable at all times, and if you want me to stop or go slower just tell me."

"W-what about leaving marks? You won't bite me very hard right?"

He shakes his head. "I'll bite you but very gently, and if I leave a mark I won't be a brute about it."

Rather, only monsters would do that. What is he some kind of animal?

Sumires face reddened. "Do-do you want me to-"

"Only if your comfortable enough. Honestly after hearing what you told me. I am not sure if we should be continuing our plans tonight."

Even though he asked for the sake of preparing for tonight. Now he feels bad about reopening her wounds.

"N-no, I still want to." Sumire nodded. "I am glad you asked me about it Toh. I also think it wouldn't have been right for us to do anything without talking about it." She looked at him curiously. "Since you asked me, can I ask? How many women you have dated? I-I know you have dated a lot of people. I just want to know how many."

"Nine before you."

Sumire blinked. "Just nine?"

Toh rolled his eyes. "I think nine is already a lot. What did you think?"

Sumire paused before voicing her thoughts out. "Uh, aren't players supposed to change women every day?"

"First of all, I thought we already established that I am not a player. Second, one night stands aren't considered relationships."

"Then how many one night stands have you had?"

"A few, maybe five?"

"Why are the numbers decreasing?" Sumire exclaimed.

Did she want him to have more women in his past? "A few of them were my lead models. You've already heard rumors that I date my lead models right?"

Sumire nodded.

"But the reality is, I have only gone out with two of my lead models. The others were from blind dates."

"Is that why they didn't last long?" Sumire wondered.

Toh sighed. "Yes. I have learned that blind dates aren't the best. Even if the first date goes well, there is no guarantee that the ones after will follow. On the first few dates, more effort is put. But after awhile, I have noticed the girls become more relaxed and they start showing their true colours. When that happens, I don't waste anytime before dumping them."

"Then what about me? Why are you still with me?"

Toh rolled his eyes. "What does that mean?"

"I am different from when we first met."

"No, no. I don't think that way at all."

Sumire hits his chest with her pretty hands. "Don't lie to me."

"Well, maybe your cuter than before. But that's not you deceiving me. That's just you feeling more comfortable to show that side of yourself to me."

"But I can get really jealous. I know you have been telling off the girls who have been bad mouthing me. However, I have been pushing them away too."

"You have? This I need to hear." Toh said interested.

Sumire looked at him mortified. "Why would you want the details of me being a horrible person? Me pouring justice on someone, slamming the doors on their faces, and accidentally tripping them over?"

Toh blinked. She actually did that? He thought that she didn't retaliate against those jealous girls. But it seems like she did. She really is stubbornly strong. Next time they go to his university together, he should just let her take the lead. He wants to see her acting possessive over him. No doubt she will look very cute while doing so.
