Sacrificial ritual

Eve gently closed the door behind her and started to make her way back to the table where Noah was waiting for her. 

But on the way, her eyes fell on a head full of dark silver hair, and she didn't need to see the person's face to know who it was. 

Why was he here? 

As if sensing someone's gaze, Vincent, who was talking to the woman of the inn, turned his head and met Eve's eyes.

As Vincent had earlier guessed, this woman had mentioned the inn to his little sister Allie. He turned his body completely to face her and remarked, 

"What a pleasant surprise to find you here, Miss Barlow."

But Eve wasn't surprised but shocked. She had hoped not to see any Moriarty family members today, but here she was with Vincent Moriarty. 

"I didn't know you knew about this inn," more importantly, she didn't know someone like him could come to a place like this.