Sharpened piece

The councilman's eyes fell on the person inside the cell, and he questioned Deacon, "Why are some of the prisoners put here when there are vacant cells up there?" 

Following the councilman's line of sight, Deacon's eyes fell on the person who was hurled in a fetal position, with bare legs visible but head hidden in the dark because of the lack of light in this part of the dungeon. The head guard turned to the councilman and explained, 

"The one's at the top are noisier than these ones. Also some here are not worth mentioning and are better forgotten with the long-term punishment before being put up there," Deacon wasn't interested in talking about these prisoners when he wanted to find the human. The woman didn't know what was coming at her for trying to escape, thought the head guard. 

"Have these prisoners shifted at the top. And look at the dust collected here along with cobwebs!" Mr. Cripps scolded before looking away from the cell.