Rainy midnight

Music Recommendation: Florida Rain Storm- Mother Nature Sound FX

Rain poured on Meadow and its other neighbouring towns. Though the sounds of the thunder and the lightning striking from the sky didn't often worry Eve, today was different. Lady Aubrey and Eugene weren't home, and she was all alone in the quiet house. 

Thirty minutes had passed since Eve stepped out of the bathing room, where she had taken her own time inside the bathtub using the bath salts.

Picking up a novel from the small shelf of her room, she sat on the bed. She had burned enough candles to keep the room bright. But every once in a while, the flames of the candles shook and shivered against the cold air that slipped through the cracks of the windows of her room. 

Even though Eve was reading the novel, she couldn't stop the thoughts of Vincent. She sighed in slight frustration. Raising her head from the book, she muttered to herself,