Carriage ride through the night

Music Recommendation: Bad dreams- Alex Baranowski

When Marceline stepped inside the carriage and took a comfortable seat, waiting for the coachman to close the door, soon Vincent and Eve joined by climbing inside it. The vampiress's eyes narrowed, and she asked, 

"What happened to riding in your own carriage?" 

"Don't be so cold, Marcie, when we should make the most of our time together until we reach the South. With that one leg of yours, you might need help," Vincent smiled at her and took a seat right next to her that had her scoot to the other corner. Eve took a seat on the opposite side in front of them. "Who knows, maybe you will change your mind and decide to come back here to stay with us."

The vampiress rolled her eyes before her lips set in a thin line. She said, "As if I don't know that you will try to humiliate me if I stay here in the mansion."