Past deeds catching up fast

Marceline felt her hands turn wet because of the dripping blood from her nose. "What is wrong with you?!" she demanded in shock.

It resulted in the woman named Delia punching Marceline one more time and the young vampiress lost her balance with her wooden foot, to end up falling flat on her bottoms. 

Some people in the hall had moved aside to give the two women space. 

Marceline looked back and forth and shouted for help, "Where are the guards? Guards! This woman is crazy!" On another note, how could this human's punch hurt her this much? Was it because she hadn't drank blood for a long time now, and it had resulted in her body to turn weak?

But no guards appeared to help her, and she glared at Delia with her bloody nose, "Why are you hitting me? I just told you I am happy to see you!"