Timotei's next aspiration

Music Recommendation: The Accident at Fox Hill- Hong Dae Sung

When Vincent made his way through one of the corridors, some council members were quick to offer him a bow until he walked past them. But it was when they noticed a black cat tailing behind the pureblooded vampire that their eyebrows rose. 

One of the councilmen murmured, "What is a black cat doing in here? Less following him." 

"Haven't you heard that black cats are uncommon because of the mass death that had been ordered many years ago after the witches caused problems? They are signs of bad luck," the other councilman to the one who first spoke said barely above a whisper, while standing at the end of the corridor and behind the pillar. 

Vincent didn't pay attention to the remarks, but Timotei didn't like how he was reduced to bad luck because of the glorious colour of his fur!