Advent Of Highlanders [Part 1]

It didn't take long for Lux and Gaap to reach Rishi City.

They didn't enter the town right away, observing it from a safe distance. As foreigners who came from a different land, they first wanted to know if the inhabitants of the city were very different from them.

Contrary to their expectations, Rishi City looked like every other city in the surface world. What surprised Lux the most was the variety of races that were inside the city.

There were Humans, Dark Elves, Beastkins, Gnomes, and even Dwarves.

Even their clothing wasn't too different from what they wear on an everyday basis. From every angle, Lux and Gaap both agreed that they were no different from them.

If there was one thing that concerned Gaap the most, it was the language.

The Agarthans used a different language with a unique system, which he hadn't heard in the past.

However, what surprised him was that Lux was able to understand what they were talking about.