The Battle At The Capital City Of Agartha [Part 1]

A rain of death and destruction descended upon the Abyssal Army as Asmodeus expertly controlled the countless fire spears that only targeted their enemies.

Since Poseidon's cannons were too powerful, it couldn't be used to attack because it would hit their allies without a doubt.

Because of this, it simply used its defensive abilities to protect itself, preventing any attacks from landing on its body.

Poseidon could have unleashed a powerful barrage, and probably decimate more than half of the Abyssal Legion. However, since its allied were also fighting alongside it, it simply fired its cannons at places that places where none of its allies would get hit by its attack.

Although many Abyssal Monsters died, many more took their place. Their Army numbered in the millions, so they still put a lot of pressure on the Agarthian Army, who was fighting to protect their homeland.