288 Big Plans

The process to get an official agreement from the Emperor, at least when General Ming was asking, was a surprisingly short one. Within an hour, they had an official deed, granting Rae 5 to the Tarith Reavers to do what they wanted in exchange for their assistance in dealing with the Rebels' alliance with the Tapani.

Mary Tarith used that as leverage to get a lot of other Reavers on board with the deal, promising them the use of cities that Terminus would construct, and for some of the larger groups, rights to put a Space Station in orbit around the planet for their own personal use.

It was like heaven to the Reavers.

Now, all they had to do was make sure that Tapani High Command noticed the wave of Reavers heading for the uninhabited buffer system, and didn't notice that some of them were in fact Kepler Military Vessels.