779 Non Orbital Lance

Nico engaged her thrusters and pushed Shattered Pride into the ranks of War Walkers, putting her far too close to use any of their high-yield weapons against her without causing more damage to their own troops than they did to her, and Max changed targets to support her. 


First, he picked off the War Walkers that tried to move behind her, and then the snipers who might have been able to take advantage of her distraction to land a critical hit on the four armed demonic Mecha. 


As he watched, Nico cycled through the energy frequencies on her blades, looking for one that would get through the enemy shields more effectively. For the first few seconds, it didn't seem to be making any difference, but then she found a frequency that their shielding was weak too, and the blades began to pass through as if they weren't there at all.