817 The Verdict

Unsurprisingly, the only ones who picked combat-related games were the ones who were already in combat-related professions, but one of the Pilots had chosen a non-combat game, perhaps by chance or accident. 


The game that the Pilot had chosen was a simple strategy game, not one of the combat simulation ones like [Unit Commander] or [Station Chief]. It was more of a theoretical sort of strategy game suited to someone in central intelligence or senior command positions, as well as chess players, computer coding specialists and others who used extreme logical skills and predictive abilities on a regular basis. 


Technically, every ability is a combat ability if you use it wrong or right enough, but this one was definitely in the category of desk job simulators. 


His brain waves registered that he was happy with the choice, though, so Max didn't ask if he would like to back out of his choice and switch.