924 Field Trip

The look that Nico was giving Max was heart-wrenchingly sweet, pleading for him to go along with what she was about to ask. It was so endearing that even the Huntress knew that something was up before the little cyborg even spoke a word.

"Commander Max, Darling, Best Friend, Battle Brother for life, I don't suppose that you could do me one tiny little favour." She pleaded.

"You want to go out and pick a fight with the nearest camp's champion, don't you?" Max asked, already knowing what she was going to ask.

"I swear, it's just one little fight, and then we can come right back." She pleaded, climbing into his lap to give him the puppy dog eyes.

Huntress Khan burst into laughter at their antics while she waited to see how Max was going to handle his battle-obsessed companion this time.