948 Harvesters

That didn't tell them what had happened to the planet. It could be assumed that the Darklings had arrived, but if they knew that they were being hunted, there had to be some sort of plan in place to get some of them out of the area and to safety.

They had hidden a whole planet's population as well as they could, so it would be prudent to have some sort of backup plan that would let at least those whom the government deemed most important escape.

But it appeared that this alien, referred to as a Lord, had not been on the list to get off the planet, and the Darklings hadn't bothered to get rid of his corpse, assuming that they were the Harvesters in question.

The name fit them and their practices, so it wouldn't surprise Max if that were the truth.

The next morning, the Lord woke up and exited the room but was replaced by a group of scientists doing a study on the benefits of crowd control through newly developed architectural trends.