1209 Rush The Core

The Cathedral Ships were beginning to recover from the initial confusion, and the vessels within the base had their shields raised, with firing lines in hastily built foxholes behind the formidable barriers.

With the output of weapons limited, it would take some time to get through the shielding, possibly even enough that the rest of the base would be cleared, giving the Alliance and the Myceloids a clear winner in the kill count race.

That is, if they could prevent enough of the defenders from fleeing to safety.

Max sensed the relief of the first destroyer as the Mecha gave them a wide berth to attack the stragglers still caught out in the open, but that relief would not last long.

[Commander, the analysis is complete. One coordinated burst will take down the shielding on the Destroyer.] Felicity informed Max as she prepared more troops to be deployed as reinforcements.