1211 Home Front

Mary Tarith sighed as she looked out over the stacks of reports on the holographic screen in front of her. Three hundred and four ongoing battles in their Galaxy alone, more than the entirety of the Alliance Galaxies combined.

The Great Enemy had gone on a rampage once that strange world had appeared in the gulf, as if they were directly threatened by the humans for the first time in a way that they hadn't been when they were fighting them among the stars.

It made no sense at all to her, but more concerning was the fact that she had not only lost contact with her Nico and Commander Max, but Absolution had suddenly vanished from the construction area without any messages or warning.

All the communications to the world were scrambled, but their sensors suggested that Absolution, as well as an unknown spherical world ship were on that planet, along with a vast quantity of the Great Enemy's forces.