1238 Rapid expansion

The first day of the ship's grand opening was the toughest of them all, but the second day and third went much more smoothly, even for the shops that hadn't been open for the first round.

Just being able to watch the others at work reminded everyone of the normal situation, and the talk of strict warnings for sluffing off and skipping work were spreading rapidly through the ship. Everyone knew the standard Reaver procedures for the ones who refused to work. They would have their wages cut, then they would be dismissed and transferred to a punitive detail, and finally, if they simply could not function in society, they would be moved to a planetary treatment centre for their mental health.

Sylvie had set up counsellors among the Androids, to deal with all the expected trauma cases among the refugees, but she was not a particularly forgiving AI and the one-month leniency period was about all the sympathy that anyone was likely to get from her.