Rumor Has It That...

Lena walked out of the bedroom, she strolled through the hallway, came down the stairs, and was met with a spectacular scene. The supposed 'lonesome castle' was filled with people in workers' uniforms moving up and down. She suspended her feet on the last stair ad watched in bewilderment. Rumor has it that the creature living in the mansion stayed alone and that he couldn't have contact with people. Everything was so wrong, so wrong!

"Madam," a group of maids walked past her, they bowed in acknowledgment and she nodded absentmindedly. Can something please explain to her what is going on in this castle?!

"Dear wife..." Alexandro whispered in her ear causing her to jump with a start. She snapped her head in his direction and saw him standing close to her, his arms folded in front of his broad chest and a smile played at the edge of his lips.

"What are you doing?!" She puffed, he gave her a big scare just now. She curled her fingers to form a small fist and threw a punch at him which he easily dodge.

"Are you going to kill your husband, feisty little wife?" Alexandro questioned with a perfectly arched brow.

Lena eyed the good-looking man, she did not hesitate to hide the disdain that clouded her eyes, "I have made it clear, my husband cannot be you. He is a monster!" she uttered.

Alexandro flinched slightly but it only took a second before his face curled up to form a bright smile. "My dear wife, only I can be your husband," he enunciated possessively and took a step close to her.

"Y-you!" She muttered helplessly and took a step back. He grinned and took another step forward. Lena leaned back, her body rested on the railings and she held on to it tightly while glaring at him. Why does her first day in marriage with this damned monster have to be so difficult! She complained in her head.

Alexandro leaned into her body and she snapped her eyes shut. "Y-you... stop whatever you are doing!" She stuttered. Lena felt his breath fanning against the exposed skin of her neck and she shivered. He brought his face close to her neck and he inhaled her scent. She smelled like a garden of flowers, he smiled in satisfaction against her skin and leaned away.

"I am your husband, Lena. Now, food is served, let's go and eat before it becomes cold." Alexandro captured her wrist and pulled her along with him away from the stairs. Lena gritted her teeth, no matter how she resisted, she was unable to get out of his iron-tight grip. While she gritted her teeth, his face was enveloped with a wide grin. As expected, his little wife was such an interesting lady.

They reached the dining table, three men stood up immediately when they saw them approach. Alexandro's gaze became fierce when he saw the men.

"Greetings, your—!" They started to speak but they were interrupted.

"My dear friend, why are you standing ceremony? Did you come to see my wife? How nice, please, sit and join us for brunch," Alexandro uttered with a smile that if one looked carefully, they would discover that it was a faked smile, unlike the smile he had when speaking with Lena.

The three young men exchanged looks with one another and wore a shocked expressions. "Your Highness did you mistake something, we are your subordinates! Why friends?! We would not dare to be friends with you!" The men thought. With a frosty glance from Alexandro, they shut their lips and sank into a chair.

"Wifey, please, have a sit," Alexandro expressed, he pulled out a chair for Lena in a very gentlemanly style. She rolled her eyes at him before taking her seat. What a jerk! She cursed.

A moment later, the maids pushed a cart of delicacies in and served the dishes on the table. Lena looked at the sumptuous meal laid before her and she cook not help but let her mouth water. It was the first time she saw that food cook look so nice and awe-inspiring. At her relative's house, her twin got the good food while she managed the crumbs. Except for the few times her best friend treated her out in a restaurant, she had never had a meal in such a grand style.

At least, there was good food plus his damned good-looking as a bonus. She could endure the marriage then. Without waiting for anyone, she dug her cutlery into the food and took a spoonful into her mouth. Wow, it feels like heaven! Her eyes twinkled as though stars were in them as she ate in glee. It made Alexandro fix his gaze on her and found it difficult to look away. He did not realize the corner of his lips tilted up gradually until a bright smile was formed. Halfway through the meal, Lena noticed she was the only one who was eating, she paused.

"You ain't eating?" She queried, not wanting to appear like an uncultured lady who only knew how to munch away.

Alexandro laughed humorously and shook his head, "I am filled just by watching you, dear wife. Eat all you want, don't think about your husband" he uttered. Lena shrugged, she was not bothered about him in the first place, she just cared about her face.

"What about your 'friends'?" She threw a glance at the men who did not look anything like his friends as he claimed. They were seated at the edge of the chair as though needles pricked their buttocks and they dared not eat the food. They lowered their heads and fear lingered in their eyes. Lena sneered, she was certain the men were not his friends.

"I suppose they are not hungry... dear wife, are you more concerned about them than your husband?"

"Why? is everything supposed to be about you?" she retorted sharply. She was not a fool and could tell that the man was trying to divert her attention. Alexandro smiled and threw a look filled with quills at his 'friends'. "Act properly!" his eyes spoke.

"Your— I mean... Sister-in-law, we are just so glad to see you so we are not hungry," One of the men said, a smile was squeezed out of his face.

"Yes, not hungry at all!" the other two agreed, bobbing their head vigorously. Lena looked at the three men and sneered. Who were they deceiving, did she look like a child? She mindlessly continued her meal.

Alexandro glared icicles at his subordinates, how useless, they could not even do their best to convince his wife. Lena buried her head in her food and acted as though she did not notice the others at the table.

"I am done here!" Lena dropped her fork and stood up. The maids who were waiting by the side rushed over and cleared the table. Without waiting for Alexandro to react, she stood up and left the dining hall. Alexandro's gaze followed her, there was a hint of a smile in his eyes. The moment she disappeared from his line of sight, he turned his head and looked at the men.

They jumped to their feet and bowed deeply. "Your highness!" They pronounced with utmost reverence.

"Who sent you?" His voice was deep and cold, filled with malicious intent and bloodlust. The men shivered.

"Your highness, the king wants you to return!" One of the men uttered fearfully.

"Oh, now he wants me back? I thought the old man did not remember that he has a son? What is the situation?" Alexandro queried, he drummed his slender fingers on the table while he waited for their response.

"Your highness, the second and third prince have returned to the country two days ago, they brought back a new set of protectors and they claimed to know the whereabouts of the healer this time. The King also elevated the second prince's rank after he led the protectors to defend the boundaries against the attack of the mutants. The kings promised the Queen that if your highness do not return in three months, the second prince would be declared as the crown prince!" the subordinate reported.

"Hmm, interesting..." Alexandro sneered. "The Queen and her son are quite good... Go back, I am not interested. As you can see, I just found a wife for myself"

"Your highness..."

"Do you need me to repeat myself?!" he enunciated coldly.

"No, no...!" the subordinates bowed, they turned around and dashed out of the castle for their dear life.

"Master..." Butler Luther stepped out from the side and bowed before the man.

"What?" Alexandro snapped, he threw a cold look at the bald butler who shivered subconsciously.

"Master, you cannot hide forever, if the king and queen want you back, it is for your own good. Did they not say they have clues to the healer... if we find the healer, then we can get rid of the soul curse before it is too late" he expressed with his eyes lowered.

"Luther, you have to be smarter and a step ahead of your enemies..." Alexandro uttered with a sarcastic laugh.

"Master, do you mean..."

"The healer is dead." He uttered with a cold expression.

"Master, you—" the butler was shocked, he widened his eyes and stared at his master. His Master had been placed under a soul-degenerating curse since he was a child, the curse weakened his soul and might cause him to die at any time. Without the healer, there was no one else who could ever heal his master!

"Let me tell you a story..." Alexandro beamed with a smile and voiced.