
She jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. It was the first time in three months that she was returning to school, of course, she did not want to be late. She had a quick bath and got back to the room. She dressed as fast as she could, her excitement got the better part of her that morning.

"Are you ready?"

Lena heard the familiar voice, she raised her head and looked in the direction where the voice came from. Alexandro peeked into the room through the door, seeing that she was properly dressed, he walked in.

"Mm," Lena nodded and a small smile crept onto her face. Alexandro saw the smile and felt satisfied, it seems it was really her wish to return to school after all. Since she had been with him, he had never seen her smile, this was the first time she was happy about something.

"Let's go then," he said, returning her smile. With his subordinates, he was cold and unapproachable but with her, he was warm and bright like the sun.

Lena bobbed her head, she picked her phone off the dressing table and walked out of the room with him. This time around, she did not even mind walking side by side with him.

"It's been almost an hour and master isn't here yet..." Lucian complained, he roughened his hair and twirled the cup around his fingers.

Just at that moment, footsteps approached and Lucian and Kai looked up, they saw their master appear and they stood up immediately. Alexandro's gaze was fixed on the woman beside him and did not pay attention to the people. Kai maintained his cold expression while Lucian switched to his flirty mode and pinched the poor old butler.

"Who is this pretty lady beside master, his sister?" Lucian whispered to the butler. Butler Luther could only resist the urge to smack the boy's head. He shook his head and stepped forward, he bowed deeply before the man and the woman.

"Master, Madam" he uttered in reverence.

"M-madam?!" Lucian's eyes widened and he took a step back to hide behind his partner. Did he just think of flirting with his master's woman?! He had better make himself invisible as much as possible if he still love his life.

"Mm," Alexandro responded half-heartedly, he had not even noticed the extra persons in the room. This made the butler smile, seeing the happiness in his master's eyes, he could tell that the master was in a good mood and this must be because the madam treated him well, the butler thought.

"Good morning, Butler Luther!" Lena greeted with enthusiasm.

"Thank you, madam," Butler Luther answered politely.

"Dear wife, you are hurting your man here. You don't even greet me with so much enthusiasm" Alexandro voiced looking displeased, he pushed out a chair and Lena sat down.

"Good for you. Who asked you to treat me badly? Butler Luther here has always been nice to me since I arrived here" Lena said and snorted.

"Really now, huh?" Alexandro arched a brow and threw a cold look at the butler who shivered involuntarily.

"Ah, madam... don't get it wrong, it has been master who ordered me to look after you. You should thank master properly, he really treats you well" Butler Luther uttered, the master was too scary, how can he act so jealously! He was only a butler and it is not as if Madam will ever fall for an old man like him. Madam, please, praise your husband properly! He cried in his heart.

"Hmph! I am in a good mood today so I can only agree with you" She voiced sweetly.

The man became pleased, he threw a look at the Butler, and the butler understood immediately. He snapped his fingers and the maids pushed the dishes into the dining hall. Several exquisite dishes filed up on the table and Lena's eyes glittered with joy. Yes, she was not only a sucker for good-looking men but also a lover of good food. Unlike the night before when she only ate a little because of her mood, that morning she dug straight into her meal and ate with delight.

Alexandro did not bother eating, he simply watched the woman as she stuff herself with food as though she was a little hamster. The movement of her succulent lips and the gleam in her green orbs were a pleasure for him as he watched her. In his world, she was all that he could see...

"Old man, who exactly is that woman!" Lucian pulled the butler to his side and whispered.

"Our master's wife" Butler Luther answered.

"W-what! Master is married? And to such a pretty woman?" Lucian gasped.

"You don't want your head?" Kai's cold voice cuts in. He threw a look at his partner and raised his brows.

"Don't be harsh! Ain't you surprised too?" Lucian retorted.

"So what?" Kai muttered coldly.

"Nevermind..." Lucian grunted and ran his fingers through his rough curls. "You will never understand what it feels like for the man of your dreams to be taken... Sigh"

Kai arched a brow and said nothing. Butler Luther simply shook his head and patted the young man's back. Everyone in the headquarter knew that Lucian was not only flirty but he also crushed on men and women but of course, he was certain that he only loved women.

"Can I go now?" Lena dropped the empty glass which was taken away by a maid who cleared the table as soon as she was done eating.

"Mm, wait a moment" Alexandro uttered. He seems to remember something as he looked in the direction of the butler and the two young men. Lucian and Kai understood his look immediately and came forward.

"They will go with you," Alexandro said. Lena looked at the man, looked at the two men, and then looked back at the man. She raised her brows with a confused expression. She was only going to school, why should anyone go with her? At most, she only needs someone to drive her or find a cab.

"Hello Madam, I am Lucian!" Lucian introduced himself with a broad smile on his face.

"Kai" the cold-faced man uttered with a small bow.

"They are?" Lena queried with a raised brow.

"Your bodyguards" Alexandro answered, his lips raised slightly to form a meaningful smile.