Rejected Mate.

"Will you go with me to pick stones this weekend?" May asked. They had just finished the class that they had for the day. While Lena majored in jewelry design, May chose to be a stone appraiser. In that way, they took few classes together although they studied different courses.

"I don't think I will be able to go to the stone market to get any more stones to design. Since I got myself into this marriage, I might just stick to drawing my designs alone, there is no need to practice them" Lena shook her head in response. Most of the time, after she had drawn her designs, she loved to do the practical designs too. She loves to choose her favorite stones and gem, picking the colors that merge and then finding the stones with the best soothing feel that gives warmth to the skin when it is worn as a piece of jewelry. Doing this alone gives joy to her desolate heart.

"What are you talking about Lena? Are you going to forget all about 'L' now?" May paired and turned to look at her friend.

"Mm, maybe another time..." Lena muttered and sighed. 'L' was her jewelry brand name, although it was nothing big and she kept most of her works secret, it still sold well on the black market. Her jewelry designs had always been in high demand since she brought her designs to light. She did not want to stop either but... She had a lot to deal with at the moment.

"You had better focus on your future, darling" May muttered and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I know" Lena uttered and her fingers tightened around her bag. If only she knew what her future was like anymore...

"Forget it, forget it... I believe you, you will know what to do very soon, don't stress yourself now" May waved her hand dismissively when she saw her best friend looking crestfallen.

"Mm," Lena nodded, she weaved her brows and bit her lower lips, very soon, she will fall back on track and know what to do.

Just then, a lady stopped before the two forcing them to halt their steps, the lady fixed her unwavering gaze on Lena for a while without speaking. May frowned a bit while Lena raised her brows.

"You are... Lena?" The lady spoke eventually, her voice was laced with a mix of vague clarification and certainty.

"Sure, I am. How may I help you?" Lena answered, looking closely, she realized that she had not met the lady before.

"The professor asked you to meet him in his office" The lady uttered briefly and turned around to leave.

"Hey, hold on!" Lena called. The lady raised and tilted her body to the side slightly, she wore an impatient expression and raised a delicate brow as though asking Lena, "what?".

"You never said which professor it was that gave the instruction" Lena enunciated, she frowned slightly, not pleased with the lady's approach.

"Professor Arlo" she muttered coldly and walked away.

"She has such an attitude" May spat as soon as the lady was out of sight.

"You know her? I have never met her before" Lena uttered softly, her eyes trailed in the direction where the lady left but she was already out of sight.

"Not exactly know her like that but, almost everyone in the school knows about her. Oh, since you were absent for three months, you would not know about her" May voiced, she played with the curls of her purple hair as she spoke.

"Is that so? What about her then?" Lena questioned, her attention was piqued to know about the lady.

"Nothing much, she joined the school the same month that you suddenly stopped coming, she was said to be the only daughter of the north town mayor. You can imagine what she was like when she first came here, a spoilt pampered little thing. And to add up to her story, she happened to be a werewolf, you can imagine how arrogant she was then" May uttered and paused for a bit.

"I saw the arrogance in her eyes earlier, she is probably one of those werewolves who still think that they are superior to we humans even after we have lived together for so many years, isn't she?" Lena queried thoughtfully.

"Yeah, right. I won't blame her, North town where she came from is a territory that belonged solely to the werewolf pack, she may have never interacted with any human before coming here. You should know her father, Mayor Edgar, a naturally brute man who knows nothing more than to oppose human government to satisfy his wolf pack's alpha. The daughter was naturally arrogant, to her, humans are mere vessels that she could dispose of if she can no longer tolerate them. The first few weeks that she came to school, she hurt two human girls in her class for complaining about her attitude. The girls narrowly survived after she broke their necks and jaws..."

"Eww... why would anyone do that?" Lena furrowed her brows and her lips twitched in disgust. "What broke her eventually?" Lena asked curiously, from what she saw, the lady was more annoyed and frustrated than arrogant. She looked like an eagle with broken wings.

"Her mate rejected her and marked a human girl instead" May uttered dismissively.

"That simple?" Lena raised a brow.

"What do you mean by that simple? It isn't simple at all! From what I know, when one is rejected by his or her mate, that person will feel as him half of his life was cut off, and the agony and pain that they will feel for the rest of their lives is immeasurable. You know a mate is like a soul partner that was bestowed upon them by the goddess. Although the practice is not as it was in the past and anyone could choose whatever mate that they wanted, if one was rejected by his or her may and even copulated with another, they must bear the pain. You should know what they must go through" May explained.

"Ah... I see. She must have set her mind on being with her mate for the rest of her life" Lena muttered.

"Do you pity her? Most people said her mate did that because he wanted her to understand that all creatures are equal, apart from that, I heard that the guy who was her mate never liked her in the first place so it was only normal that he rejected her" May uttered.

"Perhaps, she would become better after this" Lena voiced.

"Whatever. I think what is better now is paying your professor a visit" May uttered with a sly smile and sent a wink in Lena's direction.

"What do you mean by 'your professor'?" Lena rolled her eyes but a slight blush crept up her face giving it a brighter shade.

"You are blushing, sweetheart" May smirked as she offered a reminder to the blushing Lena.

"Just shut up!" Lena gritted her teeth.