Who Is He?

The two friends parted ways on a good note, May returned to her villa when her chauffeur came to pick her up while Lena also returned to the castle in the ordinary-looking SUV that she drove to school. She sat in the back seat, Lucian took the position of the driver while Kai sat in the passenger's seat. Aside from the solemn music that played on the radio, the car was enveloped in comfortable silence.

Lena opened her bag and pulled out a neat drawing book from it, she flipped through the pages. Each page and design was dated, she came to another page, the design on the page was dated four months ago, she stared at the design for a while before flipping to the next page. It was a new page. She picked up her sharpened pencil and looked at the clean page blankly. After a while, the pointy lead of the pencil drew a dot on the clean page, and nothing more, she became blank again.