Sleep With Him?

He watched her for a brief moment, it was the first time in three days that he was seeing her this close. He was not just seeing her but, she was also laying in his bed. His heart drummed erratically as he stared at the face that glared at him days ago. 

In a while, he forgot about their previous fight and just wanted nothing more but to pull her into his arms all through the night. He had suffered just as much as her. 

He found it difficult to sleep most of the nights in the past and even if he slept, it would be for as short as two hours or lesser. Since she came to him, he had been able to sleep normally but when she left again, he lost his will to sleep and spent most nights dealing with matters. 

"Lena..." He whispered and touched her face gently. He only let his fingers graze her delicate face in fear that she might wake up and leave him again.