A Trip.

Lena's lashes fluttered open, her green eyes gleamed with low light as she had just woken up from a long relaxing sleep. She sat up and stretched, she opened her mouth shamelessly and yawned. Then, a sound reached her ears, somebody was knocking on the door. She rubbed her face and wiped the drool that lingered at the corner of her lips. 

"Ah," she muttered and rubbed her eyes, she was sure it was that person that woke her from her sleep. Her eyes trailed to the clock and she saw that it was just a few minutes past four in the morning. Why would anyone wake her up so early on a Saturday morning? She climbed out of her bed lazily and walked to the door. 

She opened the door and her eyes fell on the man standing beside the door, she suppressed a yawn and raised a brow.

"Hey, good morning" Alexandro greeted her with a smile, he took in her unkempt and sleepy appearance and looked at her apologetically.