Her Inspiration.

"You— how did you get this prepared beforehand that I did not even notice?" Lena muttered as she pulled her familiar-looking drawing book out of her bag. "I am sure that all of these were in my room before we left the house. How...?" She could not understand, had he planned all of this before? 

"You do not need to worry about that, didn't you say that you wanted to draw in this kind of environment?" Alexandro asked her with a raised brow. 

"I- I know but..." She voiced softly. 

So, that was all the journey was about, he had prepared all these just to fulfill her fantasy? She had not expected him to prepare so much just for her, this little gesture of him... Really pulled the strings of her heart and they echoed in her ears. She clenched her fingers around the bag and looked down, unable to meet his eyes. He was too kind to her, he attended to her needs in such a way that no one had ever done.