
"Miss, the water you asked for," a maid gave a glass of water to the lady sitting on a chair. The lady snatched the cup of the maid and took a sip. Suddenly, she flung the glass at the maid and it crashed on her body drenching her with the water. 

"Are you crazy?! Do you want to kill me! Why did you serve me such cold water? Did you not hear that I said I will only drink warm water?!" The lady snapped at the maid angrily.

"I am sorry, miss! I-I forgot—" the maid trembled, she fall on her knees immediately and lowered her head fearfully. 

"You forgot?" The lady scoffed and took a daunting step closer to the maid. 

"Lexi, she is just a maid, let her be" a person spoke and the lady stopped. Ahe turned around, and her eyes fell on a woman with rough blonde hair and medium stature, slightly robust. She was the same woman that was present at Lena's wedding. The aunt who adopted the twins. Seeing who it was, Lexi snorted.