Who Is She, A Ghost?

"Madam, look who is here!" 

Lena and Eloisa had just stepped out of their room, Lena recognized that voice and tilted her head to the side. Standing close to a cold-faced Kai in the opposite direction was the golden-headed Lucian. He wore a mischievous smile and waved frantically at Lena before jogging to her side. 

"Madam, I am back!" Lucian uttered, he ran his fingers through his hair and roughened it while he had a smug look on his face. 

"I can see that," Lena threw him a look and nodded. 

"Aww... Madam, your response is so passive, what is this about? Kai told me you missed me so much while I was away and ask for me every second!" Lucian muttered and pursed his lips. 

"Is that so?" Lena mumbled, she raised a brow, slanted her body slightly, and glanced at Kai. Then she shook her head. 

"I don't think Kai would say such, just look at his stoic face," she said to Lucian.